•Chapter Thirty-One•

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"Wake up Abby," said a small frail voice next to me. I looked up and found my eyes locked into Cam's. I began to tear up and the sight of such a beautiful creature that always brought happiness to my world.
"Cam! Oh my god Cam how are you? Are you okay?" I asked grabbing him into my arms. What was weird though, is that when I hugged him, I didn't feel pregnant anymore. Meaning, I didn't feel a large stomach in the way. I looked down and saw that I wasn't pregnant anymore. Did I give birth in my sleep? I doubt that.
"I'm okay. How are you?" He asked holding my hands. My wrists had the hospital bracelets tied and wrapped around them, and I felt powerful for some reason.
"I'm alright. But what happened to the baby?" A possibility crossed my mind I didn't want to think of. What if the baby died? Oh no. God please no no. It was definitely a possibility seeing it was born after only a month of me being pregnant.
"Well," began Cam as there was a knock on the door.
"Come in!" I hollered from the hospital bed sounding a little in panic, but also a little happy about Cam's presence.
A female nurse walked in. She was beautiful. Her hair was blonde, and she was somewhat short. She was a very curvy woman, and she seemed like the type of person to always be happy. She walked up next to my bed and placed her right hand down on the mattress.
"Would you like to see your baby?" Asked the nurse. "Also, I'm nurse Katlyn. You can call me Kate if that's what you'd prefer."
Well the baby was alive somehow. That was a complete relief. I couldn't be happier about that.
I nodded my head and smiled, and she pulled out her walkie talkie in her pocket and called in a nurse that worked where they must have kept the babies after they were born. She came into the door and wheeled in a small plastic cart that was see-through. Inside, there was a very small, and adorable baby boy lying down with its eyes shut.

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