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If you haven't written in an Author's Games before, I would suggest not joining Samurai. I'd love to have you, but it's going to be complicated for even experienced Author's Gamers (yes that's what I call us). So I would prefer if you already had done at least one before joining. 

So... that means we can skip the long explanation about what an Author's Games is, since you guys already know. That being said, we still have to have rules... sadly, so please read through these really quickly. 

1) Be respectful. Not only toward me since I'm your host/judge, but toward other writers. 

2) Because of the new voting structure, this is the most important rule out there. Do not be rude toward other writers. If someone goes after you, please don't take offense. On the other side of that, please don't go after a WRITER, or after someone because you don't like them. This should be strictly story-line purposes only. You guys are all mature writers (trust me; I know I've probably judged several of you in my previous games) so act like it. I don't want anyone getting hurt or upset over this, because its still just a game. Yes, this is a competition, which means people will be knocked out (figuratively, of course).

3) If you're going to drop out at ANY point during the competition, then please do us all a favor and don't reserve anything. I know the dedicated authors and me especially would have a lot more fun if we didn't have to stop the competition, or change anything simply because someone else decides to drop out or not hand in. Because I had so many problems with this last time, not handing in ONE time will result in automatic loss during the battle rounds. Because of the new structure, if you don't hand something in that round, the other person automatically wins. If you don't hand in on regular tasks, you'll have a severe penalty during the battle rounds, which will possibly result in you losing. (I know that probably makes no sense now, but I'll explain it all in detail later).

4) Late entries. I'm a college student who's planning my own wedding, and I'm in three other Author's Games as well as hosting my own while trying to keep updating/writing my normal book series. My car broke down and my grandmother went into the nursing home all in one week, so trust me I know! Life happens. All tributes are allowed ONE twelve hour extension as long as you talk to me and tell me what's going on. Don't use this as an excuse like "hey I can be late this time because she'll understand." Only use this if it's necessary because of something major that happened.

 Yes, I know this seems mean, harsh or cruel. But I had issues in Magi, so I had to get harsher not only in judging but with late penalties and such. Since I am a college student, I'm acting just like any professor would. You're all mature writers, so I know you can handle it. I know life happens, which is why I'm going to try to make the deadlines reasonable. In a normal author's games, even having one week or  a few days to write an entry is hard. Samurai (Like Magi) is more complicated and harder, so I'll try to make the deadlines reasonable. If I'm not PLEASE LET ME KNOW. I promise I won't bite :) You writers who've been in my games before know how I try my best to be nice (if I'm not, please call me out, haha).

5) Please send all your entries through email to Anything else makes it too difficult. If you don't have one, it's free to get one and if you're not allowed or something, I understand, but maybe you should rethink joining. (Yes I know that sounds so mean, but it's just inconvenient any other way). If you're not allowed because of your parents or something, maybe suggest making a fake one for your wattpad profile, that way your information stays private. I did the same and that's the email that I use for the Author's Games I host. 

6) If you're reading this and paying attention, then please put your favorite anime/manga/Japanese movie along with your Reservation. 

7) Mature or R-rated content is not allowed. Granted, this is Samurai and its taken from a dark time in Japanese history, so if you're familiar with samurai or Japanese history at all, you know there's going to be blood and guts. But just not R-rated anything sexual or language related. Everyone wants to enjoy this, and some people might not be old enough for that. Cussing is allowed, but please keep it PG-13. People will lose interest, including me, if your entries are riddled with horrible words. 

8) I'm going to go ahead and say this now, and I really hope I don't offend anyone. I would appreciate it if boyxboy and girlxgirl stuf is kept to a minimum if it has to be included at all. Even too much boyxgirl stuff takes away from entries if its too heavy-handed. Please show respect to everyone who is a part of these Games, and their beliefs, including mine. I'll do the same for you :) 

9) Have fun! This is the other most important rule. These competitions, outside of trying to help you mature in your writing, is for fun and to have fun! 

So... the next chapters will explain Samurai in detail. Remember to comment opinions/questions if you have any. Or if you just want to freak out with excitement, feel free :) 

Author's Games: SamuraiWhere stories live. Discover now