Task Formatting

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This is an example email of how all your tasks should be formatted. I have issues making sure people keep up with this, but it's important with the Japanese names that I know who you are (even I can't get used to fifteen different Japanese names all at once), so this time, failure to do so will result in a -1 taken off your score. 

To: authorsgames316@gmail.com

Subject: Task # : Male 1 - Nobunaga Oda

Body: This is where your entry goes. Please, please copy and paste your entry to Wattpad first, before sending it in the email, just so that the formatting comes out correct. In my last names, Wattpad would never do it right, and we want everyone to enjoy reading your entries, so please do this. You can write the entries in whatever program you want, but copy and paste them to Wattpad, before copying and pasting that to the email would help the formatting be correct. 

If you don't do this, then your formatting will possibly glitch and everyone will have problems reading your entry. 


Include some sort of page break, like I did with the *** 


This is where you list the names of all the tributes that you want to cause a penalty to. 


Another break if necessary, if not, this is where your email ends. 

Note to Gamemaker if you have one. 

That was how the formatting should go. Here is an example one.

To: authorsgames316@gmail.com 

Subject: Task 1: Male 16 - Nobunaga Oda

Body: This is Nobunaga's entry. Lots of death and killing, but no deaths for the other clans.... I give everyone epic ship moments with his wife, and then do something horrible like tear them apart or kill of his best friend so that we all can have lots of feels. o.o just kidding, please don't do that to me. 



Male 17 - Mitsuhide Akechi 

Male 18 - Hideyoshi Hashiba


Note to Gamemaker: Holy cow, this task was amazing, but hard. I'm anxious to see what you thought of the epic twist I did and the feels I tried to give you. Can't wait to see if Mitsuhide and I will battle it out for the next battle task :P 

Or something like that :D 

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