Clan 1: Sachi Miyoshi

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  This was written by OliviaBinfield

Name: Mayoshi Sachi (Sah-chee)

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Appearance: Cropped short, raven black hair and dark, piercing almost-black eyes. She is quite slender but she's also quite tall. She looks a little like a man with her cropped short hair and tall figure.

Weapon Of Choice: Tandō knife or a katana

Personality: She's smart, ruthless and cunning. She's spent a lifetime training to be a Samurai and fighting against the disregard she received as a woman. She uses both her wits and her expertise with weaponry to her own benefit, homing her skills so she became deadlier than any man or woman. She is ruthless, able to kill without mercy but also keeping to her own morals and code of ethics. She tries to be as honourable as she can: trying not to kill innocents but never faltering to slaughter the enemy. She is often calm and collected, never wavering before battle. Sometimes she seems to be off in another world, though her mind is just assessing the challenge ahead of her and forming a strategy. She tends to get distracted often, small things often jumping out at her and striking her as odd, leaving her to ponder on what she had just witnessed. She also has an extreme disregard for men and hates, or at least, strongly dislikes, males with a passion. She tends to look down on them but she does admire a certain few males. She likes to see the beauty of things, in a world in which she knows is full of blood, murder and battle she stops occasionally to glimpse the truly great moments in life, following the Lesson of the Cherry Blossoms.

Background: She was the youngest child, and the only girl, in a family of elder, boisterous boys. She was often looked down upon, being seen as the youngest, the weakest, the most feeble. In particular, her problem was with her eldest brother, who hated being constantly usurped by her during training or practice. He conspired with his younger brothers to get rid of their annoying sister who constantly, and consistently, beat them. It was simple really- they'd arrange a small accident that would lead to a possible broken arm or leg. However it didn't quite go according to plan, with the third eldest, Akio, cornered her at a gorge, wearing a mask, in an attempt to break her leg. However, Akio did not realise she has her Tantō knife with her, and Sachi reacted on impulse, stabbing her brother in the chest, leading to his imminent death. When she realised she had killed her brother she was heartbroken, the incident haunting her for the rest of her days. Her mother refused to talk to her, already disapproving on following after her brothers. She was a very narrow minded woman, and while there were female samurai her mother was one of those people who thought the very thing was wrong in every possible way. Ever since Akio's death Sachi distanced herself from her family with a mix of anger, at her brothers for formulating the plan, guilt, at killing her brother, and shame for the dishonour she had bought, but as it was self defence, she was forgiven, but never the same among others and always treated differently. Her only friend was Daiki, a fellow Samurai who treated her with respect and dignity, not caring for her gender, family or what she had done, only for her skill. Sachi was never quite sure of her feelings for Daiki, suspecting they might have been blossoming into something, but she had put her duty and honour before her personal wants.

Important Side Characters: Her elder brother, Ichiro. He was the one who formulated the plan against her and the main reason for her views on men. She harbours a strong loathing for him, and the third born, Akio, who she harbours a mix of grief and shame for him, and is haunted by his death. Her mother, who she always argues with over her lifestyle choices and over Akio's death. Another important character is Daiki, a young male samurai who she secretly stores feelings for.

What influences their decision in battle: She tends to spend a moment assessing and analysing her choices, forming a strategy. She relies strongly on her wits and intelligence, using that as a weapon in its own right. After she has her battle plan, she will charge right in, blades swirling, killing win ease and forgetting herself in the storm of battle, not caring for who falls around her.

Belief: She believes strongly on the Bushido, in the Way of the Warrior. She tries extremely hard to keep her honour and prove herself to her family and make them proud. She also believes in the lesson of the cherry blossoms, in taking in and appreciating life's great moments and bathing in their beauty.

Details about Clan: The Miyoshi clan was a Japanese family descended from Emperor Seiwa, founded by Miyoshi Yoshinaga. They were a cadet branch, who were excellent fighters. (Historically Accurate! According to two websites, at least....)

Nobunaga Oda: "A woman attempting at being ruthless? I doubt you would make much of a challenge for me. Your brothers were correct in their plan, and yet fools in the way they carried it out. If they wanted to be rid of you, they should have just killed you outright. It's a shame they were too weak to follow through with their resolve."

Mitsuhide Akechi: "Honor and loyalty, to your clan and to yourself are the most important aspects of Bushido. And yet, living in the present moment, doing all that we do for our clan and with honor... The Lesson of the Cherry Blossom is in itself a part of Bushido as well. You are on the right track."

Hideyoshi Hashiba: "It's horrible what your brothers tried to do to you, but don't blame yourself, Miyoshi-chan! What you did was in self defense and there wasn't anything wrong with it. Keep trying, and stay on true to yourself, and to Bushido. You'll gain the respect you deserve someday; I know it."

Magoichi Saika: "Ruthless and cunning, eh? You're not overly pretty, but I'd still let you come with me. If you do, I'll show you what there is to love about males. Whattya say, woman?"

Ishida Mitsunari: "Cherry blossoms, Bushido, your family, my clan... It's all the same. The only way you will earn the respect you seek is if you take it without hesitation. Show them just how ruthless you can be. They deserve it."

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