Chapter Four

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Chapter 4: Making it?

+Lauren's POV+

All the people that auditioned were called back on stage. I walk on stage with my head down fiddling with my thumbs I have no idea what's about to happen.

"The reason we called all of you back on stage is to say that some of you won't make it. Some of you will be back tomorrow to learn a dance and you will all dance as a group and I will choose the best." Zayn informed all of us. His eyes went to everyone of us.

I hope my mistake didn't ruin the whole thing for me I thought.

"Ok, the people that made it to tomorrow's group dance are Brad, Dinah, Normani, Allison, Clair, Sarah, Aden, and Lauren you all did great. Lauren don't let that stumble get the best of you. Good luck tomorrow guys." Zayn continued to say.

Everyone exists the room except for me and him.
"Zayn...... Oh sorry can I call you that?" I asked as I looked at him.

"O-of course." He says looking sheepish at me.

"O-ok..... Zayn. I was wanting to know if I can retry on my piece. I feel as if I can do better I was just really nervous earlier."

"Um yea go right ahead." He said walking back to where he was earlier.

I take in a deep breath and exhale I do my routine perfecting it this time. I see Zayn stand up clapping with a smile on his face.

"Thank you for letting me try again." I said blushing with a huge grin on my face.

"No problem love you did amazing that's why your still in this."

"Wow! Thanks I don't think I can say it enough." I say giving him a hug out of pure happiness I release him quickly.

"Um sorry I don't know what I was thinking." I said looking down at the ground "I'm gonna go Camila's waiting on me."

"Bye, make sure you bring your All tomorrow."

I walk backstage to get Camila

"Come on let's go"


Me and Camila walked to the car. She gets in the drivers seat and I get in the passengers.
Camila pulls out of the studio
driving on the main road on the way back to my house.

"Camila I totally embarrassed myself."

"How?" She asked taking her eyes off the road to glance at me real quick.

"I was really happy and I hugged Zayn but I made it really awkward because I pulled away so fast. I'm sure he wasn't even that upset that I hugged him."

"Lauren! You hugged him oh my god your so lucky I wanna hug him." Camila exclaimed.

"Mila your not getting the point I probably wasn't supposed to hug him if someone saw they would probably think he let me continue the auditions because we have a thing going on but we don't." I explained to her.

"I mean I see what your saying but you still hugged him! And I'm sure nobody saw y'all everybody was probably gone."

"Yea your probably right"


Camila pulls up at my house I unbuckle my seatbelt.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow." Camila told me.

"Ok see you tomorrow." I said opening the car door and getting out. Camila backs out of the driveway blowing the horn I wave at her. Going inside the house to relax.

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