Chapter Twenty-nine

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Chapter 29: Court Case

-A Week and a Half Later-

+Third Person Pov+

"All rise, for the honorable Judge Abagail Banners." Simon, a bailiff says.

The defendants, Amanda Dilks and Camila Cabello stood up with their lawyer, Casey Novak as well as the plaintiffs, Zayn Malik and Lauren Jauregui stood up with their lawyer, Alexandra Cabot. The Jury rose too. The Judge walked in and sat down in her chair.

"You may all sit now," Simon says skimming over the various people.

The Jury, Lauren Jauregui, Zayn Malik, Amanda Dilks, and Camila Cabello sat down in their seats. The attorneys were only standing because they had to.

"Trail number one sixteen. In the case of Jauregui and Malik VS Cabello and Dilks." He hands the documented file to the Judge.

"Okay, Court is now in session," She smiles and sits it right in front of herself. Then looked at both parties. "Present me with your charges. Starting with you Cabot." The Judge says nodding her head towards her.

Lauren and Zayn looked at each other Zayn placed his hand into hers. She intertwines her fingers with his.

"Thank you," Alex Cabot says. "We are charging Miss Cabello and Miss Dilks with Malicious Harassment, Sexual Harassment, and Poisson Distribution."

Casey Novak looks at Alex shocked.

"Now Novak you get to present the charges from your counter sue." The Judge says.

"Amanda Dilks is counter suing Zayn Malik with Rape in the Third." Casey Novak says.

"Okay. Cabot would you like to start?" The Judge asked.

Alex nodded. "On Wednesday, October ninth, two thousand and sixteen, Lauren Jauregui was going to have a baby shower hosted by Camila Cabello." She says walking near The Jury, "But Lauren wasn't feeling well due to morning sickness. She got Zayn to go over there to pick up the presents. When he got there he was served a glass of Coca-Cola with Lysergic Acid Diethylamide. Which was a huge dosage of that substance LSD that it knocked him completely out. We ran a blood test and a urine test on him and it showed up positive for LSD which we found in the home of Camila and Amanda's," She says turning to Zayn. "And Camila told Detective Benson everything that went on being fully cooperative." She looked at Camila.

The court case went on and on for approximately five more hours and Lauren, Zayn, Amanda, and Camila were all in the bench. The Jury and The Judge made their decision. And this is how the case ended.

"Okay, we made our decision," A female who is apart of the Jury says. "Amanda Dilks and Camila Cabello is guilty on the cases posted. Zayn Malik is not guilty of Rape in the Third."

Lauren and Zayn smiled embracing each other tightly.

Amanda Dilks is sentenced to fifteen years of jail time and ten years of probation.

Camila Cabello is sentenced to two years of jail time and five years of probation.

Zayn and Lauren went home that day worry free and enjoyed their time together curled up on the sofa watching various movies.

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