Chapter Eight

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Chapter 8: sHe

+Lauren's POV+

I was running around the block when I noticed a guy taking pictures of me. He started running towards me.

I going to die I think to myself.

"Hey I'm Brandon. I am the vice president of LA Daily. Can you tell me about yours and Zayn's relationship." He said as he was putting his recorder in my face.

"We don't have one." I say.

"Oh really." He says.

"Can you please move." I asked nicely.

He didn't move.

"Or you can you tell me about your relationship with that girl who just left your house?" He says putting the recorder back into my face.

"She's my best friend." I say looking at him.


"Now can I go or do I have to call the cops." I say sternly

"Whatever" he said walking off


I was looking at a article that made it on the home page.

I was looking at a article that made it on the home page

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"OH MY GOD." I say and exited the article.

I decided to call Camila about this.

"Hey Lo." She says.

"Hey Mila go look on google." I say.

"Why?" She asked.

"We're on the front cover." I say.

"I don't understand why they are making stuff seem what it's not it was just a hug and now they think we're together. I mean who do they want me with? You or Zayn?" I said running a hand through my hair frustrated by this article.

" it's ok Lauren just ignore all the articles." She told me

"Ok I guess bye love you."

"Bye love you too." She said hanging up.

As soon as I exit off the articleI get an email for Amanda 'hey be at the dance studio tomorrow at ten we're gonna start practicing routines for the tour.'

Great now I have to go face Zayn after all these terrible articles.I decided to go to bed after I got that message from Amanda. I had to get my beauty sleep. I'm overwhelmed, I'm worried Zayn is going to say some shit and fire me.


I woke up at six am and took a shower. 6:35. I got out and put a crop top and leggings on. I placed my shoes on and grabbed my phone. 6:45. I went to the studio and began to warm up. I turned on my phone and connected it to a dock they have in the studio.
I start to stretch so I won't pull a muscle or anything like that. After stretches I began to warm up to random songs that were playing through the speakers.
I stopped warming up and begin to dance to mine and Camila's favorite 80's song. Straight Up when I heard it play next on my phone.

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