Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Chapter 28: Dinner

My parents had decided to give Zayn and I privacy so they are now staying at a hotel that Zayn paid for.

I was now rushing around the kitchen trying to figure out what to cook since they wanted to have a family dinner. Zayn left earlier today saying something about shopping.

When I figured out what I wanted to cook I noticed we didn't have red potatoes. I pull out my phone and send Zayn a message asking him if he would pick some up. After a couple of minutes he replied.

Zayn 😍: Sure baby. Be home soon😘

I read the message and started to season the chicken and French style green beans. I place the seasoned food in a pan and put it in the oven.

Zayn walks in and places the bag of potatoes on the counter, "here you go, babe."

I cut open the bag and start washing the potatoes and cut them into smaller pieces and place them into a pan with melted butter.

Zayn walks back downstairs after taking stuff he bought upstairs.
He pulls himself up on the counter watching me as I place the pan in the oven.

"You remember that thing you were showing me on Pinterest?" Zayn asks as I nod. It was a picture of a molded pregnancy belly. "Well, I bought the stuff so we can do it whenever."

"Awe, That's amazing baby, thank you." I walk over to him standing on my toes to kiss him.

He hops down wrapping his arms around me, "anything for you," he says kissing me once again.


We were now sat around the table with my parents and sister.

"The food is delicious, Lauren," my mom compliments as everyone else nods.

"Thank you," I say after swallowing a pice of chicken.

We eat in a comfortable silence until my dad announces that they are looking for a vacation home here so that they can help with the baby.

"That's great," Zayn says.

"Sweetie, when are you going to have a baby shower?" My mom ask taking a sip of her wine.

"Oh, um haven't really thought about it."

"That's alright we'll figure it out," she says.

Neither Zayn or I had many friends so if we did have a baby shower it would mostly be family.

The rest of the dinner is full of laughter and pointless conversations. I take the dirty dishes to the sink as Zayn is talking to my family by the door.

I walk over to them giving each of them a hug "Night guys drive safe," I say waving at them as they walk to their car.

Zayn and I walk upstairs and take a much needed shower.

"Dinner went well," Zayn says pulling a pair of sweatpants up his legs as he untucked the duvet.

"Yea," I said grabbing the pregnancy pillow from the chair throwing it on the bed.

"Do you seriously have to sleep with that?"

"Yea it supports my belly," I say as I get in a comfortable position to sleep in.

He huffs and switches the lights out.


I was awoken in the middle of the night by and loud thud and sudden coldness.

"Dammit Lauren," Zayn cursed rubbing his now sore back. Lauren had kicked him off the bed in her sleep.

"Oh my gosh baby, I'm so sorry," I sat up giggling. I mean it was pretty funny.

He puts the duvet back on the bed and climbs in beside me well the pillow.

"This damn thing takes up to much room," he says referring to the pregnancy pillow that was taking up half his space.

"I'm sorry baby, it helps me sleep," I say and lean over it to place a loving kiss on his lips.

We soon fall back to sleep now in each other's arms since Zayn insisted I didn't sleep with the pillow for the rest of the night.

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