Chapter Twenty-five

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Chapter 25: Sorry

+Lauren's POV+

Why am I so stupid?

I should've believed him I mean why would he lie about something like that?

I just can't believe my own best friend would turn on me like that. She did have a reason though she was blinded by love even though she didn't know it wasn't being reciprocated.

It was really late now, morning to be exact the sun was starting to peak over the clouds making half of the dark blue sky turn a bright orange.

I finally gather my courage and open the front door. I take In a deep breath and walk into the living room spotting a figure sitting on the couch.

"Zayn, why are you still up?" I ask softly not wanting to piss him off since he seemingly got no sleep, much like me.

I walk around the couch and sit down as he answers my question, "was waiting on you." He simply answers making my heart flutter. He waited on me.

I look down at my hands in my lap, "I'm sorry, I should've believed you."

I take my phone out of my pocket and hit play on the recording Zayn looks over at me with a confused look on his face when he hears the recording.

"Well now since you believe me what do you want to do?" He snaps unintentionally, "Sorry, just really tired," he says shaking his head at his sudden outburst.

"S'fine and I don't know what should we do?" I ask looking up at him. Should we turn them in or cut all ties and just forget about it.

He shrugs "we can figure this out later let's get some sleep first," he says standing up holding his hand out for me.

I take his hand as he pulls me up from the couch we walk upstairs to our bedroom and quickly change and get into bed just as the sun is fully risen.


I stir awake when I feel Zayn move my hair out of my face. I wipe the sleep from my eyes as I stretch.

"I made breakfast even though it's time for lunch," Zayn says which makes my stomach growl instantly.

We laugh "good cause it looks like we're hungry," I say rubbing my belly.

Zayn and I walk downstairs and have breakfast as we decide what we want to do with the evidence.

"Maybe we should just wait and see what happens," I suggest and gather our dirty plates and place them in the sink.

"Yea, I guess that'll work," Zayn says following me into the kitchen smacking my ass in the process.


"Sorry, your ass just looks really nice," he says with a smug look on his face as he stifles his laugh.

"Tell me something I don't know," I joke.

Suddenly there's a knock at the door cutting off our playful banter.

Wonder who that could be?

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