Chapter Fourteen

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 Chapter 14: news news news

+Third Person POV+

"what do we have?" a doctor asked a nurse.

"drug overdose and cuts to the wrist one needs stitches. 20. Female. Fertile." a nurse says running Lauren to an OR.


~at the doctors~

"Lauren Jauregui?" The nurse calls out Zayn helps me stand limping inside the room and sitting down on the chair.

"The doctor will be with you in a few." The nurse says politely shutting the door behind her.

I shift around uncomfortably causing the paper to crinkle.

"I hate this stuff," I say moving around some more until I was comfortable.

"Yea it's really annoying," Zayn mumbles running his fingers through his hair.

"What's wrong baby?"

"Nothing I just can't believe she did this to you." He sighs "You should have told me sooner she was bothering you Lauren."

"I know, I know." I say putting my head in my hands "I'm sorry"

"I know you are." He says getting up and wrapping his arms around me placing a soft kiss on my forehead.

We hear a soft knock on the door then it opens.

"Hello, Lauren." My doctor greets me.


He gives me my regular check-up to make sure I'm healthy.

"Ok well, you seem to be healthy Lauren what's the problem?"

"Oh yeah, my ankle I feel on it at dance practice and it's still swollen and it hurts to walk on."

He starts feeling around on my ankle adding pressure to certain parts making me wince in pain.

"Does that hurt?"

"Yes," I say pulling my foot away from him.

"Well, we're going to do some X-Rays to see if it's broke."

Shit, an X-Ray.

Zayn's phone starts ringing "Sorry I have to take this I'll be right back." He says getting up and sliding out the door shutting it quietly behind him.

"Um so what if I was pregnant and got an X-Ray isn't the radiation dangerous to the baby, I mean I don't know if I'm pregnant or not I'm just not sure," I explain nervously.

I haven't admitted it out loud I've kinda been ignoring the fact that I was late it's not that big of a deal I've been late plenty of times. Just never had so much sex before and don't recall if we've used protection each time.

"Well then after the X-Ray we will draw your blood and we'll inform you later but the radiation is fine it's very low but we will shield you just in case you are."

"Thank you"


~couple days later~

The doctor said that I had a sprained ankle he wrapped it up gave me crutches and told me to stay off of it as much as I can. I haven't been able to sleep at night because the pain seemed to get worse when I wanted to sleep so he prescribed me some sleeping pills and painkillers.

I was sitting on the couch with my foot propped up on the coffee table on top of a pillow. I was scrolling through Twitter on my laptop seeing nice and bad things about me ignoring the hate I kept scrolling finding nothing interesting I went on the trending tags to see if I found one I wanted to look at I see #ZaynandAmanda I debate if I want to click on. You know what the hell I click on it I see them out at a bar having some drinks in another picture she's saying something in his ear then there's on with her kissing him I slam my laptop shut.

Then my phone begins ringing I reach over and pick it up.

"Hello," I say.

"Hi is this Lauren Jauregui? "

"Yes, who is this?" I ask.

"I'm one of your doctor's nurse I'm calling to inform you that you are indeed pregnant 6 weeks to be exact congratulations."

When she says the words I really didn't want to hear right now my heart begins to race. Oh, my god, I'm pregnant what am I going to do? I can't raise a baby!? I can barely raise myself hell I go almost all day without remembering to eat.

"Miss?" She questions "Did you hear me?"

"Uh yeah, yeah look I got to go," I say quickly hanging up the phone.

I feel a tear trickle down my cheek what the hell am I going to do? I run my hand through my hair tugging at the strands letting the tears fall as they wish.

~couple weeks later~

I haven't spoken to Zayn ever since I seen those photos from the bar and more since he's been going out with her a lot. He doesn't know why I have been avoiding him but I think now's the time I should tell him so I open my messaging app taping on Zayn's contact.

Zayn :)

Load more messages

Me: hey we need to talk and fuck you dude!

Z: about what? What's wrong with you?

Me: you really just think you can go around kissing Amanda and go out with her every night after what she did to me! I saw the photos on Twitter.

Z: what?

me: I'm pregnant

Z: oh...

Me: oh?! Thats all you gotta say?! Well here's something to oh about we are done. Go fuck Amanda!you will never get to see this baby. Bye.

Z: no don't leave me

Me: to bad, not everyone gets a happy ending!

Z: (still typing...)

(blocked zayn )

I drop my phone on the couch and Walked to the bathroom. I don't even know why I just told him life-changing news over the phone when I can't deal with it. Looking for something to fill the hole in my heart. I found two things. Sleeping pills and a razor. I grabbed the sleeping pills that I never finished and closed the cabinet. I opened the medicine bottle and took all of the sleeping pills with water and laid on the floor. I shakily place my hand on my stomach.

"I'm sorry," I whisper.

I didn't mean everything I said to Zayn honestly because I love him but he just hurt me the most especially when I needed him the most. I cried for what seemed like hours and then everything went black.

+Zayn POV+

I've sent Lauren thousand of messages after she told me why she was avoiding me. She hasn't answered so I'm

on the way to her house. I speed down the road to get to her faster. I turn into her driveway turning the ignition off opening the door quickly and slam it behind me. I run up to her front door trying to open it but finding it locked I pound on the door.

"Lauren let me in!" I yell pounding on the door.

I look under the doormat to see if there's a spare key coming up empty handed I knock on the door once again. I wait for a response but there's nothing my mind beings racing with ideas to get in. I slam into the door with my shoulder with hard force a couple of times until the door swings open hitting the wall.

"Lauren?" I yell waiting for a response I walk around the house looking for her.

I ran into the bathroom and found Lauren laying on the floor an empty bottle of pills beside her. There was blood coming from her wrist. I tried to find a pulse as I was screaming and trying to wake her up. Still no pulse. Why would she do this to herself I dial 911 and the cops came a few moments later.

~End of Flashback~

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