Chapter Twenty-six

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Chapter 26: The News

-third person POV-

Clara sat on the couch her feet underneath her with her laptop balanced on her thighs.

She pushes her glasses further up her nose narrowing her gaze on the illuminated screen not believing what she was reading.

Numerous articles of Zayn and Lauren are highlighted purple from her clicking on them and skimming through them.

She clicks on the article titled Scandalous Malik that has a picture attached to it.
The picture is of Zayn in bed with a brunette anger starts to boil inside of her the tips of her ears starting to sting. How could he do this to my baby? She thought.

Clara completely snapped when she read Camila's name in the article and slams the laptop closed tossing it to the side.

She rushes to Taylor's room barging in without knocking.

"We're going to Seattle," she says walking over to Taylor taking her earphones out since the young girl didn't respond and repeats herself.

"What? Why?" Taylor asks sitting up pulling the other earbud out.

"I'll explain in the car start packing," Clara says walking out of her daughters room and into her room and started packing her and her husbands stuff.

+Lauren's POV+

I open the front door the smile on my face vanishes when I see my family standing outside my house all of them with not so happy looks on their faces.

Zayn comes up behind me and I watch as my dad clenches his jaw.

"Hello, Mr and Mrs Jauregui, Taylor," Zayn says nodding towards Taylor. None of them responded like they usually do, not even my dad who loved Zayn.

"What's wrong?" I ask them moving out of the doorway so they could enter. They have their luggage with them which is strange cause they usually stay in a hotel.

My family ignored me glaring at Zayn. Taylor takes their stuff upstairs as my dad asked Zayn to talk with him out back.

"Lets go sit," my mom said holding onto my shoulders leading me to the living room where we both take a seat on the couch.

My mom turns to face me grabbing a hold of my hands rubbing them affectionately.

"Lauren, Have you seen the news?" My mom asks hesitantly.

That's when it hit me. They were here because they think Zayn's cheating on me that's why they were so angry.

"No, mom it's not like that," I said about to explain what actually happened when I hear shouting from the patio.

I rush to the back door swinging it open to break up my dad and Zayn. We all ended up in a argument until I finally pulled out my phone to play the recording of Amanda and Camila's confession.

They all stop shouting and turn to me listening closely to their voices. My moms face contorted into a sympathetic look as my dad looks at me in shock.

"Lauren, Zayn, we are sorry its just...... We didn't know," My mom says sympathy dripping in her words as her and my father pulled me and Zayn into a hug.

Taylor didn't join the hug her face was as red as a tomato, "That--" She spits before getting intrupted.

"Taylor, no cussing." My mother scolds pointing her finger causing me and Zayn to laugh.

"What? She is one," Taylor shrugs.

"Have you two told the cops?" My mom asked, directing her question to both me and Zayn. We shook our heads

We all embrace each other in a hug apologizing once again and go inside. They all sit in the living room talk about what was going on in each of their lives.

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