Chapter Twenty-one

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Chapter 21: Gender

+Lauren's POV+

We were now on the way to the doctors for my 17 week check-up. The sound of rain pelting the car filled my ears. It was a gloomy day the temperature outside not helping.

The sky lit up when a streak of lightning stuck, followed by the rumbling sound of thunder.

"Why so quiet?" Zayn asked rubbing his hand up and down my thigh while we were stopped behind many cars, the traffic was terrible.

I grab onto his hand lightly squeezing it, "The weathers got me in a bad mood."

He rubs my hand in response. I watch the raindrops race down the window until we had reached our destination.


"Lauren Jauregui," the nurse called out looking around, completely butchering my last name.

Zayn and I stand up walking into the back with the nurse and into the room she assigned us to.

Zayn and I made small talk until we heard a knock and the door. My doctor enters the room greeting us, "Lauren, Zayn nice seeing you two again."

"You too," we say in unison laughing afterwards.

"Alright let's start then," she says pulling my shirt up to reveal my protruding stomach.

She then starts squirting the cold gel onto my stomach and turns the screen so Zayn and I can see. She moves the probe around so we can get a clear view of the baby's face.

"Would you like to know the sex?" She asked.

Zayn and I say in unison. "Yes."

She moves the probe around some more, "Congratulations you're having a little girl."

I look up at Zayn with the hugest grin I could muster tears forming in the corner of my eyes.

"We're having a little girl," he whispers bending down to place a kiss on my lips.

She prints out the ultrasound pictures and passes them to Zayn who examines them with a small smile on his face while she wipes away the remaining gel and pulls my shirt back down.


"Hey, babe. Did you tell your mom what the gender is?" I say walking back into the room where Zayn was.

"Hey, love. Yes, she was very excited. Knowing her she told everyone on the block," Zayn says smiling as he changed into his boxers. "How about your mum?"

"My mom was like telling my whole family.... Can you believe that? She also wants to come move in with us," I say and rolled my eyes.

"Ah, love. She won't," Zayn says and wrapped his arms around me. He kissed my neck and I spun around to face him.

I kissed him deeply. "I love you, Zayn."

"I love you too, Lauren." He says kissing my lips gently.

He rubs my tummy and bends down to whisper to the tiny human that was growing inside me.

"Kaia?" He asked looking up at me.

I look down at him with scrunched eyebrows, "What?" I asked confused.

"Kaia, I think we should name her Kaia."

I smile "that's a beautiful name, I love it."

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