Chapter Twenty-three

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Chapter 23: Party?

+Zayn's POV+

"Babe!" I hear Lauren call from upstairs from our bedroom where she's been all day.

I grab the bottle of water she asked me to get her and jogged up the stairs. I walk into our room and hand her the bottle.

"Thanks," she says twisting the cap open and gulps the chilled water down.

"How are you feeling?" I ask looking over at her sitting down on the edge of the bed.

She shrugs "Camila's having a celebration for the gender of the baby, not sure why probably just a reason to have a party," she says laughing. "But I don't feel like going so will you go for me?"

"Sure," I say standing up and peck her lips. "You need anything else?" She shakes her head.

I threw on a random t-shirt and black jeans and slipped my boots on, I sit on the edge of the bed and lace up my shoes. I really don't feel like going but Lauren really wants me too and that I have to get the present that Camila got us.

I stand up and kiss Lauren on the cheek who was now fast asleep. I walk downstairs grabbing my car keys and going out the door locking it behind me.

I get in my car and start the ignition and back out of the driveway beginning my drive to Camila's house.


I walk up to the door and knock twice waiting patiently for her to answer the door.

"Hey, Zayn!" Camila cheers opening the door wider so I can enter her home.

After I step into her house she engulfed me in a tight hug.

"Hey," I say pulling back.

"Oh! Come on I have the presents in the kitchen. You want anything to drink? I have alcohol." She says wiggling her eyebrows and leads me to the kitchen.

I follow in quick steps behind her I stop dead in my tracks when we get to the kitchen and I see Amanda sitting on the bar stool having a drink.

I look around the room and into the living room. Nobody else was here. I shrug it off and watch as
Camila walks around the island and retrieves the bags filled with gifts for the baby and passes them to me.

"Hope you like them," She smiles fixing herself a drink. "You want one?" She asks.

I shake my head, "No, I don't drink a soda will be fine. I'm going to take theses to the car real quick."

I walk back into the kitchen where Camila hands me my drink.

"Thanks," I nod as I take a sip of the Coke.

"How's Lauren?" She ask wiping off the counter top.

"She's still not feeling well, was knocked out when I left."

She simply nods with a sympathetic look on her face.

"Let's go watch a movie," Camila says leading us into the living room turning on a random movie.

I sit down on the couch in between Amanda who hasn't said anything since I got here and Camila.

I fix my eyes on the screen and gulp down the rest of my drink and place the empty cup on the coffee table.

I suddenly become confused when my vision became blurry and I couldn't focus on the movie.

"W-what's ha-happening?" I ask barely above a whisper feeling my body becoming heavy.

I hear inaudible voices and I'm on my feet with the help of two girls who lead me upstairs laying me down on a soft bed. I feel my shirt being tugged on and I open my eyes slightly to see a girl with dark hair smiling down at me.

After that I don't remember anything, everything was a blur and then it suddenly went black.

Well that's a turn..
let me know what you guys think.

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