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2 years later

"You look beautiful sweetheart," Mike commented admiring Lauren's dress.

Today was Lauren and Zayn's wedding day. They've been engaged for six months and couldn't wait to have the extravagant wedding they wished to have.

Lauren was in a slim fitting gown that hugged her curves perfectly and flowed at her feet. The dress had white lace details all over it and going around her shoulders and then stopping to have an open back.

"Thank you," she said smoothing out the wrinkles on her dress with her hand.

"It's almost time." Mike retrieved Kaia who is now three years old from Camila who actually needed to rush to the line with the rest of the bridesmaids seemingly some of them were already walking out.

"Bye K," Camila said waving at the little green eyed girl. "See you guys later." She shut the door behind her joining Dinah, Ally, and Normani in line.

Camila and Lauren became friends again soon after all the drama that happened.

Lauren knew the other girls from the auditions and became close friends with them since they all now worked at the same dance studio.

Mike, Lauren, and Kaia walked to the doors as the rest of the bridesmaids walked out with the groomsmen. Both sides of the church were filled one side with Lauren's family and friends the other with Zayn's.

Lauren breathed in trying to relax herself when suddenly becoming nervous with how many people actually showed up.

Her dad hooks his arm with hers "you'll be fine," he reassured her as she grabbed Kaia's hand who had a basket full with flowers to throw out. The dark haired girl refused to walk by herself.

The music started filling their ears singling it was her time to go and she became less nervous when her eyes met bright hazel ones. They kept eye contact The whole time with cute grins on their faces. As they walked Kaia threw out all the flowers at once and dropped the basket once she was done as everyone erupted into laughter.

Her dad kissed her on the cheek giving her away, tears filled his eyes to see her so happy. He grabbed Kaia and sat with the rest of his family.

They shared their vows which they wrote themselves and exchanged rings the as they were pronounced husband and wife.

"You may kiss the bride."

Zayn cups her cheek parting her lips by tugging at her bottom lip with his thumb, leaning in connecting their lips in a passionate hot kiss as he slipped his tongue in her mouth leaning her back in a dip. The crowd erupts into clapping and some whistles and hoots when they break away to face them with huge grins on their faces.

1 year later

"Fuck why did I do this again," Lauren cried out gripping her stomach as a contraction passed.

"You're the one that wanted another kid," Zayn joked even though Lauren was in no mood to laugh. "Now we're getting two." He laughed moving her hair out of her face which was stuck to her forehead.

"You're fully dilated, We're going to have you push now," the doctor said as the nurses rushed around getting everything ready for the twins delivery.

After a good five pushes the first baby welcomed the world her loud cries filling the room as Zayn cut the cord the nurses hurriedly took her to get her cleaned.

Two more pushes from a very tired and sweaty Lauren the second baby welcomed the world as his cries soon filled the room too.

"You did amazing," Zayn coos kissing her on the forehead she smiles looking up at him, he could tell by her eyes she was exhausted.

After everything was good Camila brought in Kaia to meet her brother and sister.

"Come meet Karina and Knox," Lauren ushered the shy girl over where she had the two babies in her arms.

Kaia slowly leaned in Zayn's arms to peek over at the twins and quickly hid in the crook of his neck.

Camila took Knox from Lauren sitting down in the chair cooing at him.

"Look Kaia," Zayn said sitting Kaia down on the hospital bed with him pointing at Lauren when she took Karina's hat off so you could see her full head of dark hair.

She delicately runs her fingers through it fixing the parts that were sticking up.

Kaia eventually got use to her new siblings the longer she was in the room.

which was always like her if she doesn't know where she is she gets really shy just like the first day of dance, she stuck by her mom while Lauren taught the class.

"Their so cute," Kaia said placing a kiss on both of their cheeks.

"I love you," Zayn said placing a loving kiss to Lauren's lips.

"I love you more," she said admiring her family with a huge grin on her face. The last thing they need is a pet and their family would be complete.

The end

Let me know what y'all think about the ending. If you would like you can check out my other Zauren story 'The Affair'

Love you guys and thank you so much for your support. ❤️

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