Chapter Eighteen

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Happy 14th Birthday  Vashaeluv hope you have an amazing day/night! 💕

Chapter 18: promises (Mature)

+Lauren's POV+

It had been a couple hours later since Zayn had come home he made us dinner and set the table. Which wasn't like him at all?

"What's the occasion?" I asked Zayn as he helped me sit down.

"Does there have to be an occasion?" He says sitting down.

"I guess not," I say then took a bite of the food that was in front of me.

+ten minutes later+

"That was very good," I say looking at him taking some dishes to the kitchen sink.

I smiled at him. Looks like for once I don't have to do the dishes.

After he got done washing the dishes he walked to our living room.

He walked back in and got down on one knee. I gasped.

Oh-god...I don't think I'm ready for this.

"Before you say anything about being ready for marriage and all that it's a promise ring." He explained.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"With this ring, I promise you my everlasting devotion, my loyalty, my respect, and my unconditional love

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"With this ring, I promise you my everlasting devotion, my loyalty, my respect, and my unconditional love. With this ring, I can't promise you that dark clouds will never hover over our lives or that the future will bring us many rainbows or that tomorrow will be perfect and our lives will be easy. But I can promise you that I will be here for you and the baby no matter what. I love you, Lauren." He slid the heart-shaped ring on my ring finger on my right hand.

He placed a quick kiss to my lips and engulfed me in a hug.

"That was beautiful," I mumble into his neck.

I get out of his embrace.

"I love you too," I say kissing him on the lips.


Zayn sits down beside me with his laptop.

"How far along are you?" He asks glancing over at me.

"13 weeks."

He begins typing with a smile on his face, I start laughing.

"What are you up to?" I question him with a grin on my face.

"The baby's a size of a peach." He says placing his hand on my stomach.

I place my hand over his, "really?" I say with a huge smile on my face.

"Yep, pretty cool right?"

"Yea," I say chuckling.

"I'm going to take a bath," I say standing up "you can join," I say looking over my shoulder smirking when I see him jump up.

I sit on the side of the bath turning on the water to a perfect temperature. Zayn's already taking off his clothes.

"Bubbles?" I ask looking up at him. He walks over to the counter grabbing a bubble bar he hands it to me. I crunch it up under the running water and mix it around to make more bubbles. Zayn gets in and turns off the water I stand up taking off all my clothes and join Zayn in the tub, I sit in between his legs, leaning back on him.

I sigh, "It feels nice to just relax."

Zayn laughs he grabs shower gel and starts rubbing it on my back and shoulders, he starts massaging my shoulders a light moan escapes my lips.

One thing lead to another, I was now facing him smiling. I lean in placing a kiss to his lips we move our lips in sync I push up against him straddling him. I slip my tongue into his mouth massaging his tongue with mine.

I reach down in between us grabbing his hard length aligning him up to my entrance I lower myself down all the way. I gasp and break the kiss, I rock my hips throwing my head back at how good it felt. The water slightly splashing out of the tub.

"Fuck Lauren," he groans gripping onto my hips moving me at his own rhythm.

I grip onto his shoulder rocking my hips faster Zayn reached down and started rubbing me hard and fast. My breathing started to slow and become heavy. I lean my head on his shoulder as he continued his assault.

"Zayn," I moan.

My stomach starts to tighten and my vision gets blurry Zayn rubs harder noticing I'm almost there I bite my down on my lip digging my nails into his back as my legs start to shake I let out a loud moan when I feel my release.

I continue rocking my hips riding out my high whilst trying to get Zayn off. I circle my hips at a taunting speed.

"Faster baby," he says grabbing my hips moving me faster he groans kissing my neck, after a few minutes I feel him release.

I look into his hazed eyes and place a kiss on his lips, "That was amazing." 

Zayn and I get out and dry off he puts on a pair of boxers while I slip on underwear and one of his shirts. We brush our teeth and climb into bed.


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