Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter 17: Leaving the hospital

+Lauren's POV+

"Guess what day it is?!" Zayn says overly excited.

"If you dare say hump day Imma kill you," I say tiredly. If this is how he's going to wake me up I don't know what I'll do.

"Well, it is hump day. But not what I was going to say." Zayn says smiling.

"Then what were you going to say?" I sit up.

"You get to go home today!" Zayn says smiling even bigger hugging me.

I smiled and let out a soft chuckle wrapping my arms around him.

I just finished signing the discharge papers while Zayn was packing mine and his stuff. I place the papers and pen on the side table getting out of the bed to help Zayn gather all our stuff. Zayn took the papers to the main desk I was sat on the floor folding the last of our clothes placing them in the duffle bag. I zip up the bag standing up and placing it on the bed. Zayn walked in with his keys in his hand.

"Ready to go?" He asks walking over to the bed grabbing the duffle bag slinging it over his shoulder.

I nod. We walk towards the door I look around the room I spent the past few weeks in, for a hospital room it was pretty comfortable. I close the door behind us. We walk out of the hospital walking to Zayn's car he opens my door for me I get in as he shuts the door for me too. Zayn gets in throwing the duffle bag in the backseat, he starts the car and buckles up.

"Buckle up." He tells me.

I huff reaching for the seat belt pulling it over me and snapping it in place. Zayn then begins driving. I take my phone out of my pocket so I could text Camila.

Me: hey! I'm on my way home well Zayn's place.

Camz: hey! Omg can I come see you?? I miss you!

Me: Yea tomorrow though it's already late and I'm tired:(

Camz: that's fine I understand see you tomorrow!

I read her message and turn my phone off.


We had stopped by my place to get my clothes and now we were pulling up at Zayn's house. We get all the stuff out of the car and walk into the house. We walk up to his bedroom I set my duffle bag down on his bed unzipping it and grab my night clothes and went and took a shower.

+Zayn's POV+

I was laying on the bed with my hands behind my head waiting on Lauren to get out of the bathroom. I took a shower in a different bathroom since she was taking so long.

"Lauren are you almost done!" I yell loud enough for her to hear me.

She walks out glaring at me.

"Can I not take a nice long shower without you worrying about me!" She spat rolling her eyes.

"You can I just wanted to talk."

"Well then talk." She says looking over at me.

"Tomorrow I have to go talk with my producer. Camila can come over and keep you company are you ok with that?"

"Yeah." She sighs clapping so the lights will go off. "Night Zayn." She turned on her side as I replied with 'goodnight'


+Lauren's POV+

I wake up to an empty bed, I walk to the bathroom getting ready for the day. I walk downstairs seeing Zayn eating breakfast I sit beside him in front of my plate I began to slowly eat picking around the sausage.

"Good morning." He says glancing at me.

I don't respond because my stomach starts to twist I stand up abruptly, running to the bathroom puking up the few contents I had in my stomach I feel Zayn behind me holding my hair and rubbing my back.

"It's okay, love."

When I finally felt I was done I flush the toilet and brush my teeth.

"Camila will be here soon. I have to go get ready." Zayn says walking upstairs to get dressed.

I walk into the kitchen cleaning up our mess. I was placing the dishes into the dishwasher as I heard a knock on the door. I close the dishwasher and wipe my hands off on a towel, walking to the door to let Camila in. As soon as I open the door she engulfed me in a breathtaking hug.

"Mila c-can't breath," I say hitting her on the back she instantly releases me.

"Sorry, Lauren I just missed you so much." She apologizes smiling ear to ear.

We sit and talk on the couch. She had so many questions for me and I had to answer every single one. Zayn walks behind me placing a kiss on my forehead.

"See you later. Bye Camila."

Camila waves.

"Don't be out long," I tell him.


Camila and I were watching a movie when her phone started ringing, she quickly answers standing up to whoever was on the phone to talk in private. I was surprisingly ok with Zayn not being here there was a faint pain, the pain was really had to describe maybe like hands choking me but lightly for now. It feels like this all the time he isn't by my side but I can deal with it until it gets tighter. Camila walks into the room gathering her things.

"Sorry, I have to go my mom needs me."

"It's ok Zayn should be back soon I'll be fine." I give her a small smile waving bye to her.

I hear Camila pull out of the driveway. I try to focus on the movie that was still playing. The hands started to get tighter. I'm afraid to move that they will get even tighter and in fear of it overtaking me again. Tears begin to fall as I stay still.

Please hurry Zayn.

+Zayn's POV+

I speed down the road, Camila had texted me telling me she had to go. I pull into the driveway running inside. Finding Lauren in the dark on the couch watching the movie credits with tears running down her cheeks. I sit down beside her pulling her into a hug holding her close.

"It's ok I'm here now," I whisper kissing the side of her head.

I rub her back trying to get her to calm down and stop crying. She grips onto my shirt crying harder.


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