Chapter Twenty-seven

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Chapter 27: SPD

-A few days later-

+Lauren's POV+

"Zayn I just got off the phone with Sargent Michaels at Seattle Police Department. He said we can come their anytime between three and six today. I told him we will be there at three," I say walking into the bathroom where zayn was taking his shower. "So you need to hurry up because it's two o'clock."

"Okay, Lauren I will be ready in a few," Zayn says getting out of the shower as I watch him wrap a towel around his waist.

Damn really wish we didn't have to be anywhere.

"Okay," I say as I turn my attention away from the handsome man and start straightening my hair.
"what are you looking at go get dressed, Zayn," I joke since he was still in the bathroom.

"I'm going, I'm going," he says holding his hands up as he walks out of the bathroom chuckling.


Zayn puts the car in park once we've pulled up at the Seattle police department.

"You ready?" Zayn ask turning his attention to me grasping my hand rubbing his thumb over my fingers soothingly.

I nod and give him a small grin.

We walk inside and are greeted by a small elderly lady with glasses behind the front desk.

"Welcome to Seattle police department, what can I do for you?" She ask focusing her attention on just us.

"We're here to talk with Sargent Michaels."

"That would be me," A tallish heavy set man says.

"Hey, I am Lauren you spoke with me on the phone earlier," I say smiling as I placed out my right hand for him to shake as well as Zayn did.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Zayn," he says shaking hands.

"I know who you are Zayn. My daughters are in love with your music. But lets not discuss that right now we need to discuss what happened with you," Sargent Michaels says leading us to a room. Once we entered the room he ushered us to sit.

He offered us a peppermint, I gladly accepted while Zayn declined. He asked us a couple of questions while we answered the best we could. I played the recording and then we were on the way home.


-third person- (later that day)

Camila and Amanda were handcuffed and driven to the Seattle police department. Amanda gave her subtle looks on the way her eyes pleading not to say a word, Camila avoided her gaze for the rest of the ride.

The two girls were lead to different interrogation rooms so they had no way to get a story straight.

Camila slowly sat down on the cold metal like chair in front of a table taking in her surroundings. There was a chair opposite of her a dimly lit light hanging above the table and a mirror which she knew other people could see through.

Amanda huffed sitting down in the chair not caring to take any of her surroundings in just crossing her arms over her chest. She wasn't nervous nor scared unlike Camila. She glanced over at the mirror flipping off whoever was watching.

The integrator walked into Camila's room she nervously gulped, she was so nervous she could hear her heart thumping in her ears. The woman sat opposite of her introducing herself as Olivia.

"I'm gonna need you to answer some questions for me Camila, can you do that?" Olivia asked the timid girl, resting her elbows on the table too look the young girl in the eyes.

Camila slowly nodded.

"Where were you Wednesday, October ninth?" Olivia asked Camila.

"I was at my house," Camila shyly answered sinking in her seat fiddling with her thumbs.

"Was Zayn there?" Olivia asked.

"Yes, I invited him over to get presents for the baby."

"Was Amanda there, too?"

"She was," Camila said turning her head glancing at the ground knowing she just threw Amanda under the bus.

"Can you tell me what happened? From the start," Olivia asked leaning back in the chair fully trusting Camila to answer truthfully.

Camila nods swallowing the lump in her throat and starts to explain.

"Thank you, Camila." She said standing up shaking hands with her.

"No thank you, Olivia."

With that Camila was left alone in the interrogation room.

Amanda sat up straighter when the man walked in sitting across from her. His presence didn't affect her. He introduced himself as Elliot while she stared at him with a blank face.

"I'm gonna need you to corporate," he says starting out nice and easy to see if she would oblige.

She sat there in silence while he asked various questions Elliot soon got feed up and rises the legs of the chair scraping against the floor he slammed his fist down on the table, startling her.

"Answer my damn questions!" He says loudly seemingly frustrated with the girl.

She jumped lightly. "I want a lawyer."

Then, there was a knock on the window singling he couldn't question her any further and he left the room. Amanda was now sat in peaceful silence.

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