Chapter Eleven

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A big thanks to 1D_firstkiss_was_me for the new cover. Again sorry for the long wait I was on vacation.

Chapter 11: Supply Closet

+Lauren's POV+

-At the studio-

"Zayn can we talk?" I say.

No answer.


"What in the hell is wrong with you." Zayn says groggily.

"We need to talk." I say facing him.

"How about this?" He says walking over to me. He leans down to whisper in my ear "meet me in the supply closet in five minutes."

"Um okay"

~Warning mature content~

Five minutes have now passed. I walk down the hallways to find the supply closet after a couple more turns I find it. Slipping through the door I closed and locked it quietly. No one had seen us. I spun around to face him he grabbed hold of me roughly and pushed me up against the wall.

He leans down kissing me I start kissing back our lips moving in sync at a slow pace enjoying the feeling of each other's lips. I wrap my arms around his neck deepening the kiss. He slides his hands down my body stopping at the small of my back pulling me closer. He slides his tongue across my bottom lip asking for entrance. I grant him access our tongues fighting for dominance. I moan pulling away to take a breath.

Zayn leans down planting soft kisses all over my neck, He slipped his hand up the front of my shirt groping my left breast over my bra, I let out a muffled moan. He grabs onto the hem of my shirt pulling it over my head and tossing it on the ground.

"Beautiful" he says taking a handful of my covered breast. I feel his warm hands on my back unclasping my bra. He takes off his shirt tossing it on the ground.

He leans down and starts kissing me again my breathing begins to pick up with our skin to skin contact. He begins rolling his hips into mine teasingly making a low moan leave my lips when I feel his hardness. I reach down unbuckling his belt and unzipping his pants. Reaching my hand inside his pants I palm him through his boxers earning a throaty groan to escape his lips.

"I need you now" he says pulling my leggings off. He slides his hand in my panties touching me where I needed him the most. I bite my lip to stifle a loud moan. He rubs me in a circular motion making me whimper.

He pulls his length out grabbing a condom from his pocket ripping it open and sliding it over him. He grabs me by the waist flipping me over a table with boxes of files.
I was thoroughly aroused, matching his own excitement at the thrill of what we were doing, making it exceptionally easy for him to slip inside. I exhaled a soft sigh of contentment, as did he.

We Were both fully naked him thrusting in and out of me both of us a sweaty and moaning mess.

We both eventually reach our highs. He thrust into me one last time.

"We need to stop this." I say putting my shirt back on. My breathing still erratic.

"I don't think so" Zayn says.

"Why not?"

"Cause we do it good." Zayn says buckling his belt.

"Oh we do?"

"Yes we do. Don't you think?"

I nod my head "I got to go practice."

"Okay see you later my little dancer."

I walked out of the supply closet without commenting back to him. My cheeks flushed a rosy pink. My little dancer? Cute.

I run my hand through my wavy hair to try and calm it down some before I walk in. That wasn't working so I pull it up into a messy bun.

I walked into studio room that we were practicing in today and I was apparently late.

"Where were you miss Jauregui?" Amanda says cocking her head to the side with her hand on her hip.

"She was with me. We had to talk about an issue." Zayn says coming up from behind me. I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"Okay come in Lauren." Amanda says smiling at Zayn. He walked to the front of the room winking at me, I roll my eyes quietly laughing to myself at his goofiness.

We practiced the routine to sHe and then we took a break. Zayn had stepped out of the room a while ago to answer a call.

"Lauren, you shouldn't talk to Zayn anymore." Amanda says.

"Well I dance for him so yeah I kinda have to talk to him." I say

"Sure you do." Amanda says sarcastically. "I bet it's not just about being his backup dancer. I've heard a lot about you two. He's MINE Lauren. And if you dare do anything with him besides dance I'll beat the shit out of you." She says giving me an innocent smile.

Who does she think she's talking to if anything I would beat the shit out of her she's like a walking stick. With that ugly smile on her face looking like the joker.

"I mean look at you, you have hickeys all over your neck. Brad was right you really are a slut."

Her words hit me like a ton of bricks and I begin to cry. I hate showing weakness but it hurts when you get called stuff you aren't I got up and left the room.

I was walking out of the bathroom when I ran into a hard body I stumble back a little.

"Whoa! Were you going there?" Zayn says jokingly holding onto my upper arms to steady me. I didn't respond to him. I look down at the ground so he won't notice that I have been crying.

"Lauren." He says grabbing my chin making me look up at him I avoid eye contact. "What's wrong? Have you been crying?"

"Nothing I'm fine" I said moving my head out of his grasp.

I shove pass him and walk out of the dance studio getting into my car and drive home.

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