Chapter Nine

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Chapter 9: Takeout

I see Brad whispering stuff to Dinah and Normani and at some points they would glance over at me.

I walk back to the front to go over the dance again when I'm passing by them I hear him say "what a slut" and they all laugh.

+Lauren's POV+

"Really a slut!? What have I done to make it seem like I'm a slut?" I say angrily as I turn around to face their backs. They turned to face me.

"Your with Zayn and some girl. How are you not a slut?" Brad says. They laughed.

"I am not." I say angrily.

"Sure and I'm not Zayn Malik's backup dancer." He says sarcastically and they didn't laugh this time.

I walk up to him.

"Get the hell away from me whore." He says glaring at me.

I punched his jaw and was about to swing again when I felt someone lift me in the air. Zayn.

"Stop!" I say kicking my feet trying to get out of his grip.

He tightens his grip, dragging me out of the room.

"Lauren, what the hell do you think you're doing?"

"He called me a slut just because of the rumors." I said my eyes started to tear up.

"Baby, your not a slut ok just don't listen to him." He said engulfing me in a hug. A tear slips down my cheek and that's when I start full on sobbing.

"Lauren it's ok" Zayn said rubbing my back up and down.

"Look at me."

I lift my head up and make eye contact with Zayn he wipes my tears.

"Stop crying." He Leans down planting a soft kiss on my cheek.

"I'll go and grab your stuff and we can go ahead and go to my place." Zayn says walking towards the door.


I lean against the wall waiting on Zayn.

+Zayn's POV+

I walk back into the room I see Brad, Normani, and Dinah still talking and laughing. I walk over to them.

"Brad, collect your things."

"What? Why?" Brad questions confused as to why I'm asking him to collect his things.

"Because you are no longer one of my back up dancers." I said glaring at him.

"Whatever." He said angrily collecting his things and stomping out of the room and slamming the door shut.

I turn to face the girls "If I hear either one of you saying stuff about Lauren you will be walking out that door to." I grab Lauren's bag and walk out of the room.

"Come on let's go." I said handing Lauren her bag.


Lauren and I left and went to my place. I ordered takeout and we talked.

"I fired Brad." I say to her.

"Oh" she said taking a bite of her pizza.

"Oh, really that's all your going to say." I said glancing over at her.

She sits her half eaten pizza on the coffee table "what do you want me to say Zayn?" She asked.

"I don't know!" I said raising my voice.

"Don't get mad at me when I didn't even do anything."

"Ok look I'm sorry." I said standing up.

"Are you done?" I asked pointing at her pizza she nods. I grab her plate and walk into the kitchen to throw out the half eaten pizza and put the plate in the sink.I made my way back to lauren and I smiled at her. She smiled back.

"I have to go Zayn." She says softly as if she doesn't really want to go.

"Can you please stay?" I asked.

"I.....Camila is coming over tonight." She says.

"Oh. Well let me get my keys then I can take you home."


I walked to where my keys are and looked at lauren. Lauren got up and we walked out to my car.


"Umm...... Talk to you later?" She says.

I leaned in and kissed her softly.

She leaned back and bit her lip. Her beautiful piercing green eyes stare into mine she leans in this time and connects our lips moving in sync in a soft slow kiss.

She pulled away blushing and went into her house.

+Lauren's POV+

I walk into my house shutting the door I lean against it running my fingers over my slightly swollen lips his lips were so soft. They felt like heaven.

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