Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter 15: I'm here

+Third Person POV+

Lauren Began to code.


"I need a crash cart NOW." The trauma surgeon says.

Interns ran to go get a crash cart and came back. The doctor grabbed the paddles while the nurse placed the pads on Lauren.

"Charge them to 150." The trauma surgeon says.

The interns did as they were told.

"Clear." The trauma surgeon says. Then he put the paddles on the pads.

No Response.

"Charge to 200." He says.

"Clear." He says then placed them back on the pads. "We got her back. Tell Zayn she's okay that we're just going to pump her stomach."

The interns did just that.

+Zayn's POV+

The doctor that was working on Lauren had just told me that she should wake up in a day or two and that the baby was stable but was under a lot of stress and that they will be monitoring them both.

I was sat beside her holding her soft pale hand, caressing her finger with my thumb.

"Why did you do this to yourself?" I asked her even though I knew she wasn't gonna respond to me.

"I'm here, Lauren," I say as I brought her hand up to my lips leaving a soft kiss on her skin. "And I'm here for this baby." I place my hand over her stomach.

Suddenly there was a sharp knock on the door startling me making me jump and release Lauren's hand.

I stand up and open the door to see a nurse.

"There's someone her to see you."

"Zayn! Tell her you know me I'm so sorry for what happened to Lauren." Amanda tells me pushing past the nurse entering Lauren's room without my consent.

"Why are you here? It's not like you care about her any way. You know what I'm so done you're fired!" I yell at her, angry that she showed up.

She looks at me with a shocked face.

"Zayn! Come on your not serious you can't just fire me."

I walk over to the door twisting the handle opening it all the way.

"Get out."

Amanda scoffs storming out of the room.

Zayn: what is Lauren's mom's number?

Camila: 000-000-0000

I send her a thanks and walk out of the room to call Lauren's mom. It rings a couple times until she picks up I let out a heavy sigh.

"Hi Mrs. Jauregui this is Zayn Malik I don't know if the hospital has contacted you about Lauren or not but she's fine, she's stable."

"Yes, I know I also know you knocked up my daughter! She had a dream you know!?"

"Um, I'm s-sorry." I apologize to her leaning against the wall.

"She wanted to travel the world and dance Zayn." She says sighing "How is she supposed to do that with a baby?"

She suddenly made me feel bad cause Lauren didn't get to dance the first night of the tour because of Amanda. Now she never will I canceled the tour about a week after with everything that was going on.

"I plan to help her I'm going to provide for her and the baby ma'am," I explain to her.

We talk for a while longer and she tells me she'll be flying here as soon as she can.

~Day later~

+nurses POV+

Holding the chart in my hand I check up on Lauren and the baby making they were stable still. Everything seemed to be ok with her, I write down her vitals in the chart placing it at the end of her bed. I sit down on the stool pulling Lauren's gown up, I squirt the gel on her stomach I grab the probe moving it around and stopping on a certain spot hearing the baby's strong heartbeat. I put the probe back wipe the remaining gel off her stomach and pull her gown back down. I I write the baby's heart rate down and place the chart at the end of the bed with Lauren's. I walk towards the door and then suddenly the monitor started beeping.

"Where's Zayn!?" She questions looking around frantically.

She's awake but her heart rate was getting to high.

"Lauren, Lauren!" I run to her side "look at me he's right outside this door he went to get food."

After I said that Zayn came in rushing to her side her heart rate started to lower so I moved out of the way.

"Um, I think you should stay with her Zayn. She kinda freaked out when she noticed you weren't here."

I think I know exactly what's wrong with Lauren.

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