Chapter Twelve

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Chapter 12: Stress

+Lauren's POV+

-At home-

I grab my phone from beside me deciding to call Mila since I have nothing better to do I can't lay in the bed all day even though I really want to.

I dial her number and press call, it rings about three times until I hear her voice.

"Hey Lauren" she says cheerily "How's dance practice going?"

"Um its fine I guess" I say softly.

"How is it just fine? You're with Zayn like everyday! I wish I was you."

I laugh "No you don't."

"You sound down? Do you wanna go out and do something? We can go to a club!"

"I don't know I don't really feel like it." I say laying back on my bed snuggling up to my pillow. "I just want to sleep all day" I mumble into the phone.

"Well you're going to get your lazy ass up and come with me. I'll be there in an hour." She's says hanging up before I could deny again.

I turn my phone off sitting it on my nightstand. I stand up walking to the bathroom so I can get a shower and get ready for tonight.

I strip my body of my clothes and step into the shower the metallic head that hung loosely above me spread water onto my body, the sudden shock making my muscles tense up. The water slowly warmed up, soothing the aching muscles. Oh, how I wish my day would've been better. I pour gentle soap into my hand. Dragging the soap over my body, the action soothing my tough skin. The soap caressing my neck like his kisses, running along my body like when he took in my sense. I bang my fist on the wall a tear slipping down my cheek. Why can't I stop thinking about him? I wipe the tear as quickly as it fell. I turn off the shower stepping out I wrap a towel around my damp body. I quickly get dressed cause Camila texted me saying she was here. I walk out of the house twisting the knob to make sure it was locked. Camila blows the horn.

"I'm coming, just making sure I locked the door!" I yell at her.

I get in the car and we begin our drive to whatever club she was taking me too.

Camila parks at some random club. We get out of the car walking over to the long line to wait I could hear the music blaring from inside. The line is moving fast so now we are near the front. There's a group of girls whispering in front of us. A girl with blonde hair turns to me.

"Aren't you the girl dating Zayn?" She questioned. Everywhere I go I hear his name.

"We're not dating." I say smiling at her to be kind thank goodness they we're next in line.

The girl turns around from behind the rope "you're really pretty don't listen to the haters." She says taking off before I could say thanks.

We show our I.D's and walk in. I blink a couple times adjusting my eyes to the sudden darkness and flashing multicolored lights. Camila grabs my wrist pulling me over to the bar ordering two shots.

"Here" Camila says putting the tiny glass in my hand.

I bring the glass up to my lips tipping my head back downing the whole shot feeling the familiar burn in my throat. I order two more shots just so I can feel a buzz and let loose.

This time, I grab Camila's wrist pulling her onto the dance floor we push our way through until we have enough room. We're in the crowd of drunk and sweaty people dancing and having fun like they don't have a care in the world. I begin to dance to the rhythm of the music releasing today's stress.

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