Chapter One

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A collab with emmiepooh2

After Zayn left One Direction he became a solo artist. He had already wrote the whole album but he forgot something until he did the 'Pillowtalk' music video. He was in need of some backup dancers. He went across the world trying to find them. He hosted over six hundred auditions but only seven made the cut. One of them was a girl named, Lauren. The reason why she tried out was not only because she is a good dancer it's because she is a very obsessed fan of his. What happens when she moves to LA to do this and he falls head over heels for her? Read to find out what happens!

Chapter 1: Seattle

Lauren's Pov

Ever since I was sixteen I loved the band one direction. I went to many of their concerts. I was a obsessed fan I mean who wouldn't be. On March 25, 2015 Zayn Malik left the band One Direction. I wasn't as upset as everyone else was about his departure. I actually thought he needed to so he could express himself. Then about a couple weeks later I heard he was a solo artist. I was very excited so was my best friend Camila.Then one day I got a call from her telling me Zayn needed backup dancers.


Climb on board
We'll go slow and high tempo
Light and dark
Hold me hard and mellow
I'm seeing the pain, seeing the pleasure
Nobody but you, 'body but me
'Body but us, bodies together
I love to hold you close, tonight and always
I love to wake up next to you
I love to hold you close, tonight and always
I love to wake up next to you-----" I sang out loud as I stepped out of the shower.

My phone was vibrating on the counter I wrap a towel around my body, grabbing my phone off the counter I answer it.

"Hello." I say normally.

"Did you see that Zayn Malik is looking for backup dancers?" Camila asked as she was trying to keep her coolness in check.

"No." I say softly.

"Well he is! And he's coming to Seattle for auditions. You should go. And you should take me so I can see his beautiful face."

"Ok! Thats a plan. When is it though?"

"Monday at nine am."

"Okay I'm going to have to figure out a routine fast. Bye love you."

"Love you too." Camila said.

I hung up. I looked at the day on my phone.Friday....... That gives me a few days to come up with a routine.

+Friday night+

I arrive at the dance studio getting out of my car I lock it fixing my hair in the side mirror. I walk threw the doors of the dance studio that I've been taking lessons from every since I was little. I walked to the desk and was greeted by the receptionist, Christina.

"Hey Lauren." Christina says very politely.

"Hey Christina. May I use one of the dance rooms? I need to practice on a number I came up with." I say softly.

"Sure. Dance room three is free. We close at ten so hurry up." I nodded and walked to the dance room.

I removed my shoes and begin to practice the number I came up with. When ten o'clock hit I slid on my shoes and left the room. I said my 'goodbyes' then made my way to my car. As I was about to open the door to the drivers side I saw a huge tour bus stop in front of the studio. I stood there in complete shock.

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