Chapter Twenty-two

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Chapter 22: Nursery

+Lauren's POV+

"I love you," I say softly shifting closer to Zayn waiting to arrive home.

"I love you more," Zayn says kissing my hand. He then pulled into the driveway and removed our connected hands.

I got out of the car and smiled. "What bags can I grab?"

"None of them go in the house now, love," He says grabbing the bags.

I sigh. He's so overprotective I could grab one small bag it wouldn't hurt anything.

"Zayn, I can grab the bags with clothes in them," I walk to the trunk of the car full of stuff for the nursery and baby supplies.

"go ahead," he says grabbing the heavier stuff.

We take all the stuff from the trunk up to the bedroom that was soon going to be Kaia's nursery.

So far we had the walls painted a soft pink and a grey accent wall and a grey armchair and ottoman in the corner.

"I'm going to start building the crib," Zayn says opening the box with a pocket knife.

I take all the stuff out of the bags. I place the wall decorations and pictures on the chair.

"We still need to hang these up," I say running my fingers over the grey painted K that was going to hang on the wall.

Zayn groans from his sitting position in front of the scattered pieces of the crib.

"I think I'm just going to hire someone to build this," he says reading the instructions with furrowed eyebrows.

I snatch the instructions from him to read it "Yea, just hire someone," I hand him the paper back laughing.

He grabs the frames and begins hanging them on the wall.

Soon we had all the decorations hanged. Zayn made a call earlier for help to build the crib which was now built with the help of his friend Ryan that recently had a baby.

I put away the last of the newly washed baby clothes and shut the drawer with my hip.

"I love it," I say looking around the room

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"I love it," I say looking around the room.

"Yea, we did a good job," Zayn says leaning down to place a kiss on my forehead.

I yawn suddenly escapes my lips singling how exhausted I really was.


I nod as he walks us to our bedroom. We both climb into bed instantly wrapping ourselves up with the covers and each other. It takes no time as darkness and warmth overtakes my body drifting off into a deep sleep.

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