Chapter Thirty-one

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Chapter 31: Labor

Zayn and Lauren arrived at Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital shortly after leaving their house. Zayn was trying his best to help out Lauren. But it's hard for him to help her when he's very nervous. He pulled the car over to the emergency entrance and bolted out of the car. He made his way into the hospital. He looked around for someone and found a nurse. However, she was on the other side of the ER so he decided to yell. Which probably wasn't the greatest of idea because it startled everyone.

"My girlfriend, is in labor!" Zayn yelled.

Everyone looked up and was staring at him. Fans that was paitents were screaming with excitement and took photos. Some of the nurses tried to clam down the excited crowd.

"Where is she?" A nurse asked.

"Right outside." Zayn says gesturing towards the automatic doors.

The two ran outside to the car and the nurse placed Lauren in a wheelchair. Lauren was in pain and freaking out. Zayn was on the verge of panicking. And thats when they got the bad news.

"Hello, my name is Arizona Robbins." A perky blonde greets shaking hands with Zayn. "I have some news."

"Okay, whats the news?" Zayn asks crossing his arms over his chest. He saw the look her face and suddenly became worried his face softened into a frown.

Lauren knew something was up. She has been in the hospital for hours and still wasn't past 2 centimeters.

"The baby isn't responding. Sure, she dropped but she hasn't turned. So my plan is to do an emergency c-section since manually turning didn't work out to well," Arizona calmly explains to keep the couple calm.

"Okay, Doc." Lauren says, nodding.

The couple were very worried and if this was the only way to have their child then so be it as long as she was happy and healthy.

After Arizona's news Lauren was soon prepped for surgery they lead her to the operating room with Zayn by her side the whole time.

Kaia made a huge entrance coming into the world. She came in butt first and somehow was screaming when Arizona just touched her. Lauren was all over the place. Not one hundred percent understanding what was going on. Zayn almost fainted but tried his best not to. They cleaned Kaia. And closed Lauren up. Zayn was the first out of the family to hold Kaia. And he was the one to fill out the birth certifate.

+couple days later+

After being in the hospital for three more days the family was clear to go home but they didn't think raising little Kaia with no help and little experience would be this hard.

Lauren was currently trying to breastfeed Kaia who wasn't latching and crying at the top of her lungs. Lauren who had become rather frustrated had tears rolling down her cheeks also while bouncing Kaia trying to make her settle down so she could try again. Zayn was sat to her left trying to comfort her and whispering sweet nothings in her ear.

"I'm a terrible mother, can't even feed my own child," Lauren mumbles biting her lip the salty flavor of her tears hitting her tastebuds.

"Baby, no your a great mother we just have to learn," Zayn coos massaging her shoulders. "Just calm down and try again she stopped crying." He was right Kaia had calmed down and was now sucking on her fingers.

Lauren once again tried and Kaia latched on immediately causing a huge grin to etch on her face.

"See baby you're amazing," Zayn complimented placing a kiss to her rosy cheeks.

Later that day Lauren's parents and Zayn's mother showed up. Zayn had just put Kaia down for the fifth time since Lauren feed her.

"Lauren, mija." Lauren's mother says walking over to her. "Where is my beautiful granddaughter?"

"Shes sleeping right now," Lauren replied as Zayn wrapped his arms around her from the back.

"Hey Guys." Zayn greets releasing his arms from Lauren and hugged his mum, Taylor, and Mike. But when he went to go hug Clara she was already making her way to see her sleeping granddaughter. Lauren was laughing and Zayn smiled.

The family stayed until dinner the afternoon was filled with them arguing on who could hold Kaia but didn't volunteer to change her diaper.

Sorry for the long wait. Epilogue is next!

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