Chapter Five

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Chapter 5: celebrating

+Lauren's POV+

Today was the day. The day of the cut. The day we have to dance with an actual chorographer. I look at the time.

"Shit." I mumble before jumping out of bed. I turned on the coffee pot and went back in my room. I ran to the shower and turned it on. I got in carefully. I washed my body and my hair. After I got out I put on a sports bra a white tank and leggings and placed my hair into a messy bun. I heard someone unlock my house and come in, It was Camila.

"Lauren Did you just wake up?" Camila says leaning on the doorframe.

"Yea." I said as I tied my shoes.

"Woah.... Lo."

"Yea I know Mila."

After I said that I ran out of my room with Camila and went straight to the coffee. We fixed two cups and left for the studio, When we got there I ran in.

+Zayns POV+

I was about to take role when Lauren ran in. She looked like she had just woken up. She had no make-up on and her hair still looked wet. Yet, she still manages to look perfect.

"Okay. Hey everyone I'm Amanda Dilks. If you heard of this Music Video show called, 'Teennick Top 10.' I'm on a part of it called, 'Dancing With Amanda.' I'm also a chorographer." Amanda says as she looked at each of them.

+Lauren's POV+

We were going over the routine for the last time before we had to do it in front of Zayn. I had the routine down perfectly now I just can't get nervous and I'll do fine.

All of us walked on stage I took a deep breath and exhaled.

"You got this Lauren." I whispered too myself.

I stretch a little and we all start the routine that Amanda taught us.

We had just finished the group dance and so far four people have been eliminated. I have no idea what's going to happen to the rest of us.

+Zayn's POV+

" Brad, Dinah, Normani, and Lauren. You four made it." I say as the four practically screamed but luckily they kept it professional.

"Also in a little bit we are going to go celebrate. I want to get to know the four of you." I added.

"Yay!" I hear them say hugging each other.


+Lauren's POV+

We were still at the studio waiting on them to decide where to take us to celebrate.

"Zayn!" I said spotting him I walk up to him.

"Have y'all figured out where we're going?" I continued

"No, Amanda's planing all of it she said that people can start leaving to go get ready." Zayn said.

"Well I guess I should get going see you later." I said. I tell everyone 'bye and that I'll see them later.'


I had just got out of the shower I walk over to my closet looking for a dress to wear for tonight.
Pulling out a black mini dress with a plunging neckline and small cutouts on the side while inside my closet I grab my black heels.

Now time for my hair and makeup.

I curled my hair and did a half smokey eye, eyeliner, mascara, and red lipstick.

I put on my dress and heels going over to my dresser grabbing my favorite perfume and spray a couple spritz on the dress.I grabbed my cell phone and walked out the door.
When I walked out the door I saw a long limo out there.
I smiled guessing it was to pick me up.

"Ms. Jauregui heres your ride." The limo driver says to me.

"I can get used to this." I said to myself.

Then said to the driver as he opened the door to the limo, "Thank you."

I got in and we made our way to the location Amanda choose.

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