Chapter Ten

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A/N: sorry for the wait thank you guys for the incredible feedback!

Chapter 10: That's ok

I was sitting on the couch watching Orange Is The New Black on Netflix.

"Boo!" Camila said popping up from behind the couch I jump startled by her presence.

"Camila oh my god! How did you get in here?" I asked her my hand over my racing heart.

"You left the door unlocked you should really start locking it." She said sitting down beside me on the couch.

"So did you enjoy yourself at Zayn's house? What did y'all do?"

"Yea it was nice he order pizza and we talked about the magazine articles he said he's gonna get the rumors about us straightened out."

"That's good anything else?" She looked over at me I smiled and felt my cheeks heating up.

"Lauren what aren't you telling me?" Camila asked poking my cheek.

"I told you everything that happened."

She reaches over and starts tickling me which is my weakness.
MILA......STOP.........IT........PLEASE." I say in between her tickling me.

She stops just to ask me, "Are you going to tell me what happened."

Then she attacks me again.

"FINE." I say as she tickled me.

I paused Orange Is The New Black.

"We talked. He told me that he fired Brad. He kissed me when he brought me home and I kissed him back. That's it. No big deal." I say looking into her eyes.

"Wow...... How could you not think that's not a big deal." Camila says.

"Its just not." I say lying.

"Do you not like him?" She says.

"I don't know Mila." I say honestly I don't know him well enough to like him.

"Can I tell you something...." She asked me.

"Sure anything." I say softly.

"I...... I don't know if it's a phase or something but I like this person...... This person is amazing. This person has a super magic smile. This person makes me happy." She says. "Its.......A..........Woman."

I didn't know what to say to her I never felt how she feels for someone but I need to help her. I need to help her cause she will help me with Zayn.

"That's ok Mila you can like whoever you want and if it's just a phase that's ok to and if it's not a phase guess what?" I ask her.


"That's ok too." I say giving her a hug.

+Zayn's POV+

I was out at lunch with my friend Austin we were catching up cause he just flew down to do a modeling gig.

"Well I seen you were on the front cover of a couple of magazines with a girl. Who is she?" He asked me

"Um she's one of my new backup dancers she just auditioned."

"Cool she's hot have you hit it?"
He asked moving his eyebrows in a weird motion.

"Yea we were both drunk I don't remember much"

"Nice" Austin said laughing

The waiter came and gave us our bill I gave him cash he picked up our empty plates and walked away.

"It was nice seeing you again we need to hang some other time I'll still be here for a couple weeks." He says.

"Okay that sounds great" I said standing up from my chair.

Then he walked away, I walk through the tiny crowd of paparazzi with my head hung low I reach my limo and get in. My chauffeur driving me home.

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