Chapter Twenty-four

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Chapter 24: leaving

+Zayn's POV+

-the next day-

I woke up as I hear laughing from downstairs. I quickly sat up and looked around the room. Confusion washes over me.

"What the hell?" I mutter and looked under the covers. I got up put my shirt on which was thankfully the only missing article of clothing on my body and went downstairs. I reach for the handle when Camila and Amanda pushed open the door.

"Last night was a blast," Camila says with a wink.

"We didn't even do anything," I spat shuffling on my feet.

"Yea, but that's not what it looks like," Camila says with an smirk appearing on her lips nudging Amanda.

"Yeah you should see what Lauren had to say," Amanda says showing me the messages on her phone.

Amanda had sent a picture of Camila and I in bed making it seem like something it completely wasn't. I quickly read over the messages.

I pushed the two girls out of the way and quickly drove home. I had to explain to Lauren that nothing happened even though I couldn't remember anything.


I walk into the house placing my keys on the hook. I started to walk into the living room when I hear a voice. It was inaudible. As I walk to the kitchen I could hear Lauren's mumbling.

"How could I be so stupid?" She mumbled.

I stood there watching her wash dishes scrubbing the plate harshly making the suds fly everywhere.

She turned to me picked up a dish and threw it at me I quickly dodge it, it makes contact with the wall and shatters. She mumbled profanities under her breath.

"Lauren," I say hesitantly taking a step towards her.

"Stop," She says taking a step back. "Don't come near me," she says shaking her head with a look of disgust on her face.

"Babe. Nothing happened," I say standing there not moving.

"Are you sure?" Lauren asked with a questioning look on her face.

"I wouldn't lie. They drugged me. Thats it," I say looking deeply into her eyes.

She turns back around and grabs another plate and threw it at me. I quickly ducked causing it to hit the wall once again and shattering into pieces.

"Can you stop?" I ask looking at lauren. "Hear me out. Let me explain." I walk towards her. She steps back once again.

"Don't come near me. You can explain from where you're standing and I will then think about staying," She says crossing her arms over her chest and looks up at me, waiting for me to explain.

I nod and began to explain to her about how I didn't drink and Camila fixed me a soda which she must've slipped something in.

"So you don't want me to be mad at you? And let me guess you want me to be mad at Mila?"

"Yes, I don't want you to be mad at me. No, you shouldn't be mad at her. Well yes you should. I don't care just please dont be mad at me," I say running my hand through my hair.


"Okay?" I question.

"I'm packing my things," she said before turning around and walking upstairs to gather her things.

What the hell did I just do?


+Lauren's POV+

Zayn tried to stop me from leaving, begging me to stay asking questions about where I was gonna go.

The thing was I didn't really know where I wanted to go so I drove and drove wiping tears occasionally.

I put the car in park staring at the dimly lit house, I hope she was still up I needed to hear her side of the story.

I knock on the front door and wait for her to answer. Eventually she comes to the door and opens it with a look of shock on her face.

"Lauren? What are you doing here?" Camila asked moving out of the way so I could enter.

I enter the house, "I need answers."

She shuts the door and turns to face me "oh, I'm really sorry Lauren it wasn't my intention I was really drunk," she says shifting on her feet with a nervous look.

"Was he drunk?" I ask softly looking her in the eyes.

She glanced away and shook her head no, we walked into the living room.

I then heard footsteps coming from upstairs and Amanda's voice.

"Mila, guess what? That shit that happened between us and Zayn worked. Lauren left him-" Amanda says walking down the stairs then noticed me and stopped talking.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I ask narrowing my eyes looking at both girls, my cheeks burning from my anger rising.

"Nothing, Lauren," Amanda says taking a step towards me like Zayn did earlier.

I backed away. "Mila, what in gods name happened between you three?"

"Like Amanda said nothing happened, Lauren," Camila reassured.

I push past them and quickly towards the door when I felt something hit my head, as everything faded to black.

+Camila's POV+

"Why did you think it was a great idea to do that? Definitely to my best friend?" I yell at Amanda.

"Camila, she would've went back to Zayn and everything I worked for would fall apart," Amanda mumbled  reaching for my hand which I pulled away from her.

"This was all for you to try to get Zayn back, you don't love me. I can't believe I fell for it," I say shaking my head finally understanding her plan all along.

"That's not true, we just can't let Lauren find out we drugged Zayn."

"We!? You're the one who slipped it in his drink," I exclaim.

I turn my head when I hear our voices replaying what we just said. Lauren was now up with her phone in her grasp with our confession recorded.

Before Amanda or I could say anything Lauren was sprinting to the door. I look at Amanda who had a shocked expression on her face when we heard Lauren's car take off speeding down the road.


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