Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter 16: Depression

+Zayn's POV+

The doctor had discovered that Lauren has antenatal depression which means Lauren experiences postpartum depression early on. The doctor told me I need to stay with Lauren as much as I can so she can't try anything again until she starts feeling like herself after taking the antidepressants. He also said  that I need to find ways to get her excited about the baby because she may not be bonding with it.

Lauren and I have been staying in the hospital for about two weeks now so they could monitor her and the baby she had been taking her medication she was somewhat back to herself but not fully. I was sat beside her waiting on her to wake up, she slept a lot lately. She stirred in her sleep probably feeling my intense stare.

"Stop staring." She mumbles opening her eyes looking at me.

Her eyes became the bright and vibrant green again but there was still a dark speck in those breathtaking eyes of hers.

"Your mom's coming today," I tell her, she looks at me and smiles.

~Third person pov~

Clara exited flight one sixty-two in Seattle. She practically ran to her luggage. She later made her way outside of the airport.

"Taxi!!!!!!" She screamed waving her free hand in the air.

A taxi pulls over and she gets in.

"Where to?" The taxi driver asked.

"The main hospital." She says.

They got there in five minutes and she gave him twenty dollars. Then she made her way to the hospital.

"I'm here for Lauren Jauregui I'm her mother." She says frantically.

"Room 167." The nurse says.

She ran to her daughter's room still caring her bags. She bursts through the door throwing her bags down and runs to Lauren's side engulfing her in a hug while crying. Zayn stepped out of the room leaving them to talk.

+Lauren's POV+

My mom and I talked for quite a bit but now we're watching some show I wasn't interested in. My mind began racing wondering where Zayn was if he was ok if the baby was ok. I rub my slightly protruding stomach trying not to think of anything so I could stay calm but that fails. I feel the familiar pain, my hands start to shake and I lean up and place my head in my hands as it gets harder to breathe. My mom stands up rushing to my side rubbing my back.

"What's wrong sweetie?" She asks rubbing my back up and down.

"Z-ayn. I need Zayn." I stutter as I began to cry the pain almost becoming unbearable. I see my mom grab her cell phone calling someone most likely Zayn. I watch her for awhile trying to ignore the pain. She hangs up the phone and places it back in her purse.

"He just pulled up he'll be here soon." She tells me sitting down beside me.

I lay back down trying to calm myself knowing Zayn will be here in minutes. I close my eyes waiting for him to come through the door while taking deep breaths.

I hear the door open and I open my eyes immediately, seeing Zayn closing the door.

"Sorry, I took so long."

"You know you can't leave me like that Zayn." I wipe the tears falling.

"I know I'm sorry baby, I didn't know it was gonna take that long." He walks over to me placing a kiss on my forehead.

"Carla, you can go now and get some rest." He tells my mom.

She stands up and gathers her stuff and walks over to me placing a kiss on my forehead. "See you tomorrow, I love you, Lauren." She says rubbing my stomach.

"Love you too mom," I reply taking her hand off my stomach.

"Bye Zayn," she says walking out the door as he waves at her.

I grab the remote of the side table as Zayn walks into the bathroom that's in my room. I flicked through the channels finally finding something that looked interesting. I was watching the show when I hear the bathroom door open I watch as Zayn walks out of the bathroom now dressed in grey sweats he walks over to his makeshift bed and lays down.

"Can you cut the lamp out?" He asks. I reach over and press the switch turning the lamp off leaving the tv to flash dim lighting across the room.

It's been about an hour and sleep hasn't taken over me. I sit up grabbing my pillow from behind me fluffing it hoping it would make me more comfortable. I sigh laying back down turning to my side. I look over at Zayn, he stirs a little in his sleep.

"Zayn?" I whisper hoping he's up. "Zayn?" I whisper a little louder.

He turns towards me opening his eyes looking at me.

"What babe?" He asks rubbing a hand over his face.

"Can you lay with me? I can't sleep."

He pulls the cover off his body standing up walking around the bed he lifts my covers up and slides in behind me placing his arm around me.

"I love you," I whisper.

"I love you too," he whispers back.

Sleep finally took me wrapped in Zayn's warm embrace.

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