Chapter Thirteen

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A/N: sorry for the late update.


Chapter 13:Phone Call

~The next day~

beep...beep...beep's morning already. I got up and when I did my phone went off.

"Hello." I say.

"Hey, Lauren!" My mom says.

"Mom! Oh my gosh, I miss you so much! How are y'all?"

"I miss you too sweetie and everyone's good they just miss you. How's everything going with you?" She says as I get up holding the phone between my ear and shoulder making up my bed.

"Um everything's fine I guess."
"You guess? Lauren, what's wrong?"

"Nothing I don't feel like talking about."

"Ok" she sighs.

"I gotta go to practice talk to you later, love you."

"Love you too honey." She says before hanging up.

After the conversation with my mom I put my phone on charge I guess in my drunken state I didn't care about it being charged. I sit up in bed with a loud huff. I really shouldn't have drank so much last night I get off the bed going to the bathroom to take a quick shower. I blow dry my hair tying it up in a high ponytail. My stomach starts to feel all weird the next thing l know I'm crouching in front of the toilet emptying my stomach of its contents. I flush, standing up I walk over to the sink washing my mouth out and brushed my teeth.

I grab my dance bag slinging it over my shoulder and walk to the door grabbing the keys off the hook, locking the door and shutting it behind me.


I park my car in the closest spot to the dance studio so I didn't have to walk far. I push the door open greeting Christina, I continue to walk to the room that we always practice in opening the door I see an unfamiliar face, Zayn was showing the short brunette around. What the hell who was she?


+Zayn's POV+

The rehearsals had just begun and I forgot that I needed to introduce Ally. I walk in front of all of them telling them to stop what they were doing, I motion for Ally to come stand beside me.

"This is Ally she auditioned in Texas, she was one of the best so she is joining us on this tour everyone welcome Ally!"

"It's nice of you to join us Ally" Lauren says shaking her hand "I'm Lauren" she says giving her a genuine smile.


+Lauren's POV+

We have been practicing nonstop for the tour which is in less than a week now. We start the tour here in Seattle I'm so excited to be on stage in front of thousands of people wait no that kinda makes me nervous. I'm going to be on stage dancing in front of thousands of people what if I trip. Okay Lauren stop thinking about this your going to be fine I tell myself.

We just got done with the dance routines for the whole set list.

~week later~

Zayn had decided to add a song to the setlist so we were learning a new dance routine. We had just learned the routine we go over it one more time and as I was doing my turn somebody put there foot in front of mine making me fall to the ground twisting my ankle. I let out a piercing scream while grabbing onto my ankle.

"Fuckkk" I whimper closing my eyes from the intense pain.

I look up to see who had tripped me, of course, it was Amanda. She crouched down next to me taking ahold of my face digging her nails into my jaw, I clench my teeth pulling away from the pain.

"You stupid bitch, you think I wouldn't find out about you and Zayn?" She says glaring at me. I turn my head looking away from her evil stare not answering her question.

"Oh, so you're not going to answer." She paused "Okay I see how it is, I'll make you answer me." She grips onto my now swollen ankle tightly causing a shock of pain to course though my leg.

I iced my ankle for the whole day when I had went home. We we're now backstage at the arena I hadn't told Zayn what had happened cause I still wanted to perform tonight.

"Come line up guys it's almost time to go on stage." Zayn tells us.

I stand up and try to put weight on my ankle to walk but I wince when I do so I limp towards the stage.

"Lauren? What are you doing?" Zayn questions grabbing my arm.

"I'm going to dance silly! What do you think I'm doing?" I say hitting his arm playfully.

"What's wrong with your ankle?"

"Nothing!" I say getting out of his grip and walking further accidentally putting my weight on my hurt foot. I let out a whimper.

"Shit, that hurts. Amanda tripped me at dance practice today." I confess limping back over to the chair I was sitting in.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner Lauren this is serious! Let me see your foot." He exclaimed.

I take my shoe and sock off to see that's it's swollen and bruised around my ankle.

"After this show I'm taking you to the doctors and your not dancing stay right here."

He walks over leaning down and planting a soft kiss on my lips.

"Ok" I whisper. I take my phone out of my back pocket entertaining myself with some random games while listening to Zayn's angelic voice.

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