Stay With Me

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I woke up, naked under the sheets, with a stranger in my bed. I never believed in one night stands. I always said I would save myself for marriage and if I did have sex with someone it would be out of love. Now I gave my virginity to some stranger I don't know, but I guess I was wasted last night.

I get out if bed and make my way to the bathroom. I start the shower and step into it. As I wash my hair and body I try to come up with ways to get him to leave. I have to work today and I don't feel comfortable leaving him in my house while I'm not here.

After I'm done washing myself, I step out of the shower, wrap myself in a towel, and change into the clothes I brought in here before I got in the shower. Once I'm dressed I plug in my curling iron and do my makeup while it's hearing up. After I'm done with my makeup I grab my curling iron and put some loose curls in my hair, spray on some noir tease perfume , and prepare myself for the problem in my bed.

I walk out of the bathroom and into my room connected to it, to see the stranger in my bed staring at his phone. I clear my throat and stand there waiting for a response.

He looks up from his phone and into my eyes. I take this time to take in his features. He has eyes as blue as the sky, hair and dark as coal, and from what the sheets are showing me, a very toned body.

'Damn I did good for being drunk' I think to myself.

"Hey", he says nonchalantly.

"Um... Hey", I say back awkwardly.

"So listen", i pause to put my shoes on," I have to work today so you can either stay here or go now because I have to lock the door behind you".

I hope he would choose the latter, but unfortunately for me he doesn't.

"Um do you mind if I stayed here, my brothers not home and I don't have a key or anywhere else to go", he said nervously.

"No you can stay here, just don't steal anything", i say, causing him to chuckle. I grab your bag and keys about to leave. I make it to the door way when his voice stops me.

"I'm Hayes by the way", he says.

"Y/n", i introduce yourself and leave.


At work that day I couldn't focus. I kept thinking about Hayes, wondering if he was still at my house. For some odd reason I kind of wanted him to still be there.

(After work. At home)

I walk through my front door, hanging my keys on the hook I have and make my way to the kitchen. But I couldn't help but notice it smelled different in here then it normally does.

I walk through the door way of the kitchen to find the source of the smell. I see a showered, cleaned up, Hayes cooking something over the stove. He turns around and sees me and smiles.

"Hey. I made you dinner", he says setting the table for the both of us.

"I see that. Thank you", I say setting my bag down.

"No problem. Now go get in to something more comfortable and dinner will be ready when you get done", he says shooing me out of the room. I laugh and run upstairs to change. I try to still dress nice so I throw on some ripped, light washed, jeans, and a flowy, white, blouse. I spray on some more perfume and walk back down stairs.

I walk into the kitchen and stand waiting for direction. Hayes pulls out a chair for me at one end of the table and features for me to sit in it. I take a seat and admire the delicious food placed in front of me.

Once he's done serving us, he sits down and we begin eating. The whole time we talk about stuff, just to get to know each other more. The weird thing is, is that I don't actually feel like I'm talking to a person I just had a one night stand with. It's like we've known each other for a while.

After dinner we both just sit there still talking when he looks at the clock.

"I should probably get going ", he says standing up clearing the table.

"Wait", I say thinking of the words I'm going to say next, "can you stay with me. Again. Tonight." I studder nervously, not wanting to sound desperate but also not wanting him to leave.

He smiles down at me and says,"sure",before clearing off the rest of the table.

And that was the start of a long-lasting, honest, beautiful, relationship.


Hey guys sorry I haven't updated I was on vacation and I didn't have time. But I'll start updating again. Make sure to request because I'm running out of ideas. Love y'all!!!

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