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This one is for pubertyhayes, she great. As far as my notifications say she's a new reader so I hope she likes it.

Ally's pov

I wake up to my alarm clock blaring in my ear. Why can't you just go through life without having to worry about stuff, just care free. But no, you have school then job then family.

I hop out of bed, dreading the day ahead of me, and make my way to my bathroom. I grab my outfit I had picked out from my desk before going into the bathroom. I wash my face and put on my make up. Just something light, not wanting to over do it.

I slip on my black joggers with a black cami and my red and white flannel over it. I always dress comfortably, no need to impress anyone. I throw my hair into a ponytail and brush my teeth. I pack my stuff into my backpack but my black vans on.

My mood changes as soon as I step out of my room. My bright cheeriness of my secluded self converts over to a introverted, dark mood. I try not to act out in front of other people, thinking that they'll judge me. No, scratch that. Knowing that they'll judge me.

I sulk downstairs and walk into the kitchen. I see my family sitting at the table all eating breakfast and talking cheerily.

"Bye guys, I love you",I say loud enough for them to hear. The just ignore me and stay to themselves.

I let my head fall and walk out the front door, on my way to school. I make it there and walk into the double doors, already feeling like going home.

I walk around people, mumbling 'sorrys', as they bump into me. I make it to my locker and grab my books for my first period. I sit in the back of my English class with my head down, fiddling on my paper.

"When was the Constitution written?",the teacher asks the class.

I raise my hand high and wait to be called on. The teacher looks right over me and goes to the person to my right. What is the point of living if your going to be invisible to everyone?

*End of school*

I struggle to get through the crowd and out of school, still bumping into people. I hit someone and mumble another sorry, but the grab my shoulders and stop me in my place.

"I'm so sorry. Are you okay?", I look up to see a boy with blue eyes and dark hair.

"Actually I think that pen in your pocket stabbed me, but I'm fine",I say, expecting him to not care and walk off. I try to get out of his grip but he holds me there.

"I'm sorry, I really am. I didn't see you since your like a foot shorter than me",he laughs.

"It's okay, really",I say.

"Good, I'm Hayes by the way",he introduces.

"Ally",I reply.

"Hey why do you look so sad all the time?",he asks.

"Wait, 'all the time' ? I'm sad because no one ever notices me. But you said all the time",I question.

"Yeah I notice you a lot around school. I mean how could someone not. You so quiet and pretty",he compliments.

"Thank you",I say blushing.

"Do you want to walk home with me?",he asks.

"Um.. sure",I comply.

He actually noticed me. The whole walk home we talk about stuff we enjoy and other things.

"I had a fun time, even though it was short",he says stopping in front of my house.

"Yeah. Um, do you want to walk to school with me tomorrow?",I ask.

"Yeah that would be great",he says.

"Awesome, well then I'll see you tomorrow",I says.

"Yeah see you tomorrow",he says. I go to walk away but he steps closer. He leans forward and kisses my forehead with his hand on the back of my neck.

"You're not invisible",he whispers.

I look up at him with a grateful smile and walk into my house as he walks into his. I've finally found someone who notices me for me.


Woo, two in one night. But for real guys it's like 1am and im so tired, but I decided since I haven't been very active that I would update for you guys. And ally I hope you like it.

Vote. Comment. Request.


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