Shooting Star

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Y/n pov

It's was about 2am and I finally fell asleep. I was at nash and hayes' house, spending the night. Hayes knew it was hard for me to sleep at other peoples houses, yet he was still nowhere to be found.

I feel myself slowly start to drift off into my dreams, when someone taps my shoulder. I jump straight up and look around. It takes some time for my eyes to adjust, but when they do I see Hayes standing next to the bed with a cheesy grin on his face. I groan and flop back down into the pillow.

"Hey get up, I want to show you something", he whispers, tapping my shoulder again.

"What",I groan again.

"Sshhh, just follow me",he whispers again.

"Wait, why are you whispering",I whisper to him, now facing him.

"Because nash is sleeping on the floor on the other side of your bed", he explains.

"Why?",I ask.

"Because I knew you couldn't fall asleep at other peoples houses, so I asked him to stay in here. He didn't tell you?",he says. Aw best friend goals.

"No, I would've actually gotten sleep",I say.

"Sorry, he's an idiot. Now let's go",he says making both of us whisper/laugh.

I jump out of bed and follow him downstairs. He grabs a blanket and his car keys.

"Get you shoes on, I'll be right back",he instructs then walks out side. I put my vans on and hear the car engine start.

Hayes comes back in the house and gestures for me to go out to the car before him. He gets in the car after me, puts it in drive, and pulls out of the garage.

"So where are we going",I ask.

"You'll see",he smirks over at me.

I sigh and sink down into my seat from tiredness.

"You can lay down in the back. I'll wake you when we get there",Hayes offers. I unbuckle and climb into the backseat and lay down.


I wake up to Hayes lightly shaking me and whispering in my ear for me to wake up. I sit up and see were in the middle of an empty field. I start to panic thinking he brought me here to kill me.

"Don't worry if I wanted to kill you it would have already happened",he says with a serious face and I start hyperventilating.

"Hey I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Calm down", he says coming over and rubbing my back, soothingly.

I nod my head gesturing that I'm okay and get out of the car. Hayes goes around to the back of the car and grabs the blanket, a back of something, and some pillows.

He walks into the field and lays the blanket on the ground, setting the pillows on top of it. I finally get the memo and sit next to him on the blanket after setting my shoes to the side.

He takes the contents out of the bag and spreads them out. He brought gushers, gold fish, and Jones soda, all of my favorite snacks.

He gets up and goes back to the car. I watch him as he opens the driver side door and turns on the battery. He turns on the radio, the volume on low, and walks back and sits beside me.

I open a pack of gushers and tell him to open his mouth. I try to throw a one in his mouth, but it bounces off the side and falls in his lap. We laugh as I try another one.


We've finished all the snacks and are laying on the blanket looking at the stars.

"Look there's the little dipper",I say pointing in the sky.

"That's definitely the big dipper",Hayes argues.

"No, that's the little one",I argue back.

"That's what she said",Hayes smirks.

"That doesn't even make sense",I laugh. We sit in comfortable silence for a few minutes until "Thinking Out Loud" by Ed Sheeran came on. Hayes shot up and looked at me. He stands up and holds his hand out for me. I sit up on my elbows and look at him in confusion.

He just rolls his eyes and grabs my hand, pulling me up. He goes to the car and turns the music all the way up. He walks a few feet away from the blanket, but still close enough to the car to hear the music.

He hesitates then grabs my wrists and puts them on around his neck. He then places his hands on my waist and pulls me closer.

We start swaying to the music as we admire each other. Being this close to my best friend is weird, but it feels so comfortable. I just feel warm and safe.

As the music comes to an end Hayes twirls me out and brings me back into his chest. We look into each other's eyes until Hayes looks at my lips.

Before I can fully comprehend what's happening, Hayes leans in and gently presses his lips to mine. I kiss back and wrap my arms around him tighter. I wish we could stay like this forever, but sadly our moment had to end.

We pull apart and smile at each other.

"Sorry, I just really had to do that",Hayes said grabbing my hand.

"No, it's okay, I liked it",I say back.

He laughs and pulls me in for another kiss. This one with more confidence and passion.

"Will you be my girlfriend?",he asks after we pull apart.

"How could I say no",I laugh and kiss his cheek.

"We should probably get home though",I nod and help pick up the stuff.

The whole ride home Hayes' hand rests on my thigh, signaling I'm his.

I will definitely remember this night forever.


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