Something That Were Not

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I walked into school pissed off at really nothing, and got to my locker.
I opened it to get out my textbooks and stuff for my first two periods, but when I opened it and something fell out. I bent down to pick it up and realized it was a red rose.

"Not today please", I groaned to myself. I stuff the Rose back into my locker grab my textbooks, heading to class.

Once I get to class I sit at my desk and open my binder to finish my homework. I few equations in I see someone out of the corner of my eye sit down next to me. I look up to see Hayes Grier.

To fill you in, me and Hayes have some history. In eighth grade (last year) he told me he had a crush on me and ask me to a dance. I turned him down because somebody had already asked me, and didn't have the same feelings towards him. This year he asked me to go out with him, I couldn't think of an excuse so I went with him. I had some fun but I thought it would end. I guess it didn't.

Since then he has been doing random stuff to show his feelings which gets annoying sometimes. He leaves notes, roses, and sometimes even boxes of chocolates in my locker(don't even ask how he got my combination. My guess is as good as yours).

"What Hayes", I say finally acknowledging his existence.

"What I can't look at your beautiful face" hayes replied softly. You would think this is cute, but I'm fed up with it.

"You know stuffing shit in my locker and calling me pet names, you may think it's cute but if you think about it more its actually kind of creepy", you say looking him in the eye. He looks down and nods his head.

"Yeah, okay", he says turning in his seat away from me.

I go back to my homework waiting for the teacher to come.

*after school*

I shove my stuff in my locker and head out the front doors of the school making my way downtown (😏) to my house.

After about five minutes of walking I hear footsteps running behind me. They make there way next to me. Hayes...shit.

He grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers.

"Hey babe", he said smiling as he swings our hands.

This. Is. It.

I rip my hand away from his and take a few steps back.

"Will you just stop", you yell. He looks at you shocked as you continue.

"I sick of you acting like we're a couple. Holding my hand, giving me gifts, calling me names. I'm just not ready for a relationship, so can you please stop acting like we're something that were not", you finish frustrated. You storm off, but turn around after a few yards and see Hayes sitting on the curb crying. You felt a little bad but pushed the thought away and kept waking home.

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