Part 7

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I'm dating Taylor now, which makes me feel better about my fate. I love her, I really do. At least I hope so.
On Thursday I walk in on Siris and some boys in the boys restroom.
"What do you have under those clothes a dick or a V?"
"Or neither?" That makes the boys laugh.
"I'm pretty sure that's none of your business," Siris remarks.
"But it is, I don't share bathrooms with girls."
"Then I guess you don't have to worry," I speak up.
"Who asked you?" One of them taunted but was cut off by 'the leader'.
"You know I believe you, cause you would know. I forgot you're a faggot."
"I'm not!" I defend myself, "I have a girlfriend."
"So what are you, a confused little fag or just a man whore?"
"Shut up and leave him alone," Siris yells.
The next few moments happen so fast. The boys start beating up Siris then I punch 2 of them and then a teacher walks in and the next thing I know I'm home with ice packs on my knuckles. Taylor sitting next to me.
"Are you okay?" Taylor asks sweetly.
"Yeah I'm fine."
Soon she's leaving and we give each other a quick kiss and hug.
That night my knuckles still hurt, they turn a blue/black color and I'm sitting on my bed with Callie, Lena, and Stef.
"I know you were standing up for your friend friend but we can't turn to violence." :Lena
"I'm proud of you for stepping up but next time be more careful." :Stef
"Bud just be careful I don't want you getting into fights all the time or getting hurt."
"I know," is all I can say.
On Friday school goes pretty smoothly; if you don't count the walk home.
I take the long way so I can think, it turns out not to be the best idea.
"Hey faggot!"
"Rug muncher!" They get closer.
"Batty boy, over here."
I ignore them until ignoring them became not a option.
I hear their footsteps get heavier and fast, soon mine do the same.
I'm running down the street, and wonder why no one thinks anything of it. It reminds me of the beginning of Never Ending Story with the boy Sebastian running away from the bullies and no one tries to help.
They catch up to me at the park; unlike the movie where he hides in the library, I wonder why I didn't think of that besides the fact that there's not a library in town; I turned many directions so they don't know where I live, the last thing I need is them waiting for me at my doorstep.
"No where to go now bender boy."
Half of what they call me I have no clue what it means, the only thing that occurred to me is they're insults.
I've got beaten up before, many times actually. I couldn't help but go in shock; It's been awhile, years even when I felt this weak and useless. The last time I was beaten up it was by me & Callie's old foster dad. The same one that killed Jack. The same guy that beat me for wearing his dead wife's wedding dress. I just wanted to see how it felt to be a girl.
I don't remember the beating, only what happened afterwards.
I laid there for a little until the footsteps and laughter were completely dead.
I then pulled myself up, gathering my trashed things, shoving it in my bag and ran half way home only half way because that's how long it took me to realize I have no explanation for what happened and I really didn't actually want to go home even if I was already a hour late. Everyone will be getting home soon though, so technically it wouldn't be late if they didn't know about it.
I run again, the rest of the way. I'm relieved to realize no one's home but all the same time I know this is most likely going to happen again, since I let the first time slip by. I know I'll try to hide it, and I know I won't tell anyone. So as I stand in front of the mirror and dab my busted lip I hope someone walks in.
No one does. My lip isn't that bad, me biting my lip could do the same damage. So that's my excuse.
"I bit my lip, I fell asleep on the bus ride home."
"You haven't bit your lip since you were little Jude," Callie points out as we all sit at the dinner table.
I shrug, "old habits come back."
I used to bite my lip all the time in my sleep. It became a habit to wake up with a purple, blue, and black bottom lip. So I know Callie would buy it, and really she was the most important person to convince.
It was a every other day thing. Then an almost daily thing. It became a big problem when my whole body ached to walk after school.
I had to act okay at home, so I started going over to Taylor's a lot. We would talk, kiss, cuddle, and make out. It filled the emptiness Connor left behind.
I would hang with Siris on the same days. He made me so happy, it was unimaginable. We saw movies together, studied, and went to the park. All the things me and Connor used to do together.
But I don't like boys. I'm straight.
I remind myself this every time I feel weird when I'm in Taylor's arms instead of Connor's.
I been ignoring Connor's texts, calls, and Skype calls.
It feels like I already lost him, even when he's reaching out to me and at any moment I can have him back. I push him away. I don't want to break my heart again.
I'm being an asshole in this situation and I know it. I'm the hypocrite and I'm breaking Connor's heart by ignoring him and doing everything I'm doing, hell I can't even imagine how he feels nevertheless how he is. But I need to come to terms with myself and actually be confident with the answer.
"I get my license in a month, then we can go on adventures together. To the great places of Cali!" Siris says excitedly, as we walk down the sidewalk in town. We were headed to the park.
"Like where, the beach? We can walk to the beach everyday!" I roll my eyes. California wasn't too exciting to me as it is to everyone else .
"No! We can go on adventures. See the greatness we still have left to see in this beautiful city." Siris exclaims but then gets distracted when we pass a bakery with colorful iced donuts in the window.
Siris is a very positive person; another reason I enjoy hanging out with him so much.
"Maybe," I exclaim trying to have the same excitement as him.
I been trying to be a lot more positive then what I been lately so I'm trying to take tips from the most positive person I know.
He walks me home after we go to the park then back at the bakery since the only thing Siris could talk about was the pretty swirled blue, pink, and white iced donut.
As we walk he's shoving the donut down his throat, talking in between bites.
"You know*chew*I never met*chew*your family."
"I never met yours either," I kick at the ground.
He swallows, "I have a mom and 1 older and younger sister."
"I have 2 moms-"
"Dude that's epic, I wish I had 2 moms."
I shrug and continue, "2 older brothers and 2 older sisters."
"Do you have a dad or how does 2 moms work? I heard of a sper-"
"Me and my sister are adopted," I quickly cut him off.
"Oh congrats on getting adopted."
We get to my driveway and Siris says goodbye.
"By the way also when I get my license I'll take you home," he winks at me then turns and walks away.

Author's note: my 1st long chapter!! Yay!

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