Part 34

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I stand there stock still, too shocked to move. Monte comes down the hallway.
I forgot we were near the office.
"What is all the commotion out here?" She stops once she gets close and looks at me and Jake, "what is going on? Why are you on the floor Jacob?"
"Jude Adamsfoster pushed me," he plays the victim face really well.
I look at him dumbfounded, "no I didn't."
He glares at me and spats, "yeah you did."
"Both of you to my office now."
I can tell she's still confused on what happened.
As we sit side by side in Monte's office, we are completely silent. Neither of us will probably tell the truth.
"Okay so explain to me why you two feel the need to wander the halls during lunch and what, fight?"
"We weren't fighting," Jake protests.
I scoff and say under my breath, "yeah ok."
"Jude do you have something to say?"
I look up at her then glance at Jake, he glares, "no."
"It sounds like you do," she stares me down, I shrug and she sighs, "boys there is one day of school left after today, so I'm not going to give you detention or suspension since there's no point," she looks at Jake, "but I am going to have to call your parents," she looks at me, "and inform your mom."
"Fine," Jake gets up, "can I leave now?"
"You may go, the both of you, but no more getting in trouble today. I do not want to see you guys in my office again, understand?"
"Yes ma'am," we say in unison.
For the rest of the day Jake doesn't even try to snicker behind my back, just glares here and there in the hallways and classroom walls.
At the end of the day I go to Lena's office, without a bathroom break this time.
"Hey bud," she greets me as I walk in her office, I'm the first one of my siblings here.
"So Monte told me you and another kid were in her office today for fighting?"
"We weren't fighting, it was just a misunderstanding," I classify.
"Right, that explains why Monte supposedly found Jake on the ground."
He deserved it.
"He fell," I comment as I sit down.
Before she can reply Mariana and Jesus walk in, followed by Callie.
Mama smiles, "is Brandon joining our carpool today?"
"Yeah, he'll be here any second," Callie says as she sits next to me.
Our not so little carpool was fun we even stopped and got blizzards from Dairy Queen.
"You know in Louisiana, Texas, and Canada if the employees didn't do the 'blizzard test' you get a free blizzard," Mariana perks up as we drive out of the parking lot.
"Well those employees for sure didn't do blizzard tests on ours so let's go back and get free blizzards!" Jesus says excitedly.
"I'm pretty sure Mariana meant that Only happens in some states, unfortunately not ours," Callie remarks.
"What are blizzard tests?" I ask as I get a spoonful of my Oreo blizzard.
"Where they turn the blizzard upside down," Brandon answers.
"Oh," I look at mine and turn it upside down, nothing happens, "wow so there is a flaw in California."
Everyone laughs.
"....and right when I was about to strike out BAM home run!"
"I'm very proud," I smile madly as I Skype Connor on my phone and make a snack, I set my phone against a cup on the kitchen table, where my head phones can reach as I get into the fridge.
"Good cause I'm very proud too," he beams then looks curiously at me, "your in your kitchen."
It's half a statement and half a question.
"You are correct," I laugh and look back at the phone, "only you would know rather I was in my kitchen or not by just looking at my wall."
"Hey, It's a one of a kind wall, and the pans are just-" he defends.
"Okay Yeah cause white is an unique color."
"It's not the color, it's those pans and that beautiful window!" He chuckles pointing.
"Those pans are just so unique too," I roll my eyes as I continue to make my sandwich, "so is that closed window."
"Yeah your right," he smirks, "the wall, and the pans aren't unique at all. Neither is the window, it's what's in front of the window."
I look behind me to see the closed curtains of the window, I smirk.

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