Part 20

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"I want to make this clear before we go anywhere," I say sternly as I sit down on the leather seat in the fresh new smelling car, "this is not a date."
His smile slides into a frown, "oh-o-okay."
He's disappointed, I can tell. I feel bad and want to change my mind, but I can't lead him on.
I just nod in approval of his understanding.
I can't help it, "I'm sorry Si," I never use his nickname, "it's just-"
"No don't explain yourself, I understand," he puts the car in reverse pulling out of my driveway, then in drive, and we're off.
The ride is an awkward silence before Siris speaks, "soooo what movie do you want to see."
I shrug, I don't even know what's playing.
"Well there's..." He stops to think, then lightly laughs while saying, "I don't know I didn't think I would get this far."
This makes me smile; I didn't think I would get this far.
"What kind of movies do you watch, horror, action, comedy....romance, family?"
I try to say romance without hesitation, hoping he won't notice and take interest in that subject, that I don't want to get involved in. Not with him at least.
"Um..." He pauses like its the hardest decision ever, "I don't really care, you can decide."
I hate when people say that. I asked for at least an opinion then I get 'I don't care' even though I know they do and 'you can decide' the reason I asked you is because I can't decide, and I don't want to feel rude if I do. But instead of saying all of this I smile, "we'll see what's playing."
There's not many choices. An intense Action movie that just came out is the most popular, it's the reason we wait in line for 10 minutes. I can see the anticipation in Siris' eyes, so much excitement I wonder how he is containing it. There's a few Children's movies, TMNT, Alice in Wonderland, and The Jungle Book. A horror movie also plays, I don't catch the name, nor do I care that I didn't.
We get to the front, Siris turns to me, "what looks good."
I glance inside at the mass of people, too many people all of a sudden, even though we were being squashed in line like sardines for 10 minutes. That doesn't occur to me now, because it's Now that it actually occurs to me. Then I see a group, all to familiar group of guys. My heart beats faster, and if I wasn't breathing normally before I sure not now.
"Please decide there's others in line," the lady that I assume works at the ticket stand says kindly, something I couldn't have in my voice if I became impatient.
Siris nudges me. Oh, she was talking to us.
"Um... The Jungle Book?" It comes out unconfident, making it turn into a question then a statement.
Siris nods, though I know he's still wishing we we were actually going to see the action one.
I don't give it a second thought.
"That'll be $15.50" I think that's a lot for one movie even if usually me and Callie pay 20 for just us two.
I reach into my pocket but Siris stops me, giving the lady the money. He winks at me and smiles. I turn away as I blush.
Don't. I warn myself. Not again. Don't start more shit you know you can't finish. Don't like him.
We get to the concession stands; large popcorn, two drinks, and a box of candy.
Siris pulls out money again.
"Stop I'll pay," I give the worker the money, giving him a kind smile.
He smiles back, he looks 20 something which is why it surprises me when he says, "you guys are cute."
"Wha-what?!" That's all I can say, I can't even correct him.
Siris just laughs it off.
It can't leave my head.
As we put butter on our popcorn at a different stand I notice the group of boys again. They're snickering, which makes me nervous even if they aren't looking at me. I don't know for certain if the snickers are actually for me. At the same time I can't be anything else but certain, why wouldn't they be snickering at me.
We take our seats 2 rows from the back.
We talk quietly during the previews. The movie ends as quickly as it began.
Soon we're released from the darkness of the theater. The light of the left over sun blinds me for a few seconds.
Drinks thrown away, I don't know why we didn't throw the popcorn away. It's not like I'm going to eat it, I know Siris is going to insist in me taking it too.
We drive back to my house talking about the best parts of the movie.
As he pulls up in my driveway I notice both my moms cars here.
"Hold on I'll be right back."
I run back outside, jumping with excitement I can't contain, metaphorically of course.
"Do you think you can stay for dinner?"
His smile brightens, "sure I'll just text my mom."
"So what's your name?" Callie asks as she helps Mariana set the table, Siris already taking his place in the guest seat.
"Siris," he says trying to deepen his voice.
"You look 18," Callie points out accusingly, making it clear in her voice of the disapproval she has with me hanging out with older guys.
"I'm 16."
I watch Callie's face soften just a bit, "oh okay, how long have you guys been friends?"
"It's not 20 questions," I say annoyed.
"It's fine I like questions," I don't. "we been friends for what 4 months I think, right Jude?"
I shrug, "I guess."
We sit in my room for a couple of hours, laying on my ground, for God knows why, just talking about the first things that pop in our head. Childhood. School. Foster homes. Homework. Boyfriends. Girlfriends. Then Connor.
"Do you think you guys will ever date again."
I shrug. I don't know why he would date me after what I done to him, why would anyone date me.
"Do you still like him?"
"I don't know." Which isn't the full truth. Because yes I really do still like him.
"Would you ever date anyone else?"
I shrug again, I already have.
He turns to face towards me, I face him.
It's silent then he speaks in a quiet rough but soft and gentle tone, "do you still not want this to be a date?"
"I don't know," and then I smirk I don't know why but I do.
It happens so fast I don't even think I had time to blink after I said that, leaned in he kisses me with his not so soft, actually rough, chapped lips. I don't care though cause I was biting my lip throughout the movie it must be worse.
It's not an intense kiss but it's not the sweetest gentle kiss either. There's no turning back now.

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