Part 28

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For the rest of the day I lay in bed looking at the ceiling not being able to wipe the god damn smile off my face.
Brandon comes in 20 minutes later asking if I want to ride with him and mama to get the twins.
"Sure," I jump out of bed slipping on the nearest shoes, following Brandon.
"Why are you so happy?" Brandon asked questionably.
I glance up at him as he smiles brightly at me.
"Not that it's a bad thing, it's nice to see you happy then all mopey, just wondering why."
I smile wider, "nothing, I mean it's not nothing, it's-" I sigh, "I don't know I just feel good today, nothing bad."
"That's good."
We bound around the corner into the kitchen where we find Mama talking to Callie.
"Well I got to get to work, I'll be back for dinner," she smiles at Brandon, and ruffles my hair as she goes by.
"Alright let's go," Mama smiles at both of us and gestures to the door.
In the car I still can not wipe the ridiculous smile off my face as me, mama, and Brandon talk.
We pull up into the school parking lot and the twins come out with gym bags in hand and jumping in the car. Mariana complaining as she gets in that Jesus stinks of sweat.
"Shower for you when we get home, mister," Mama comments as she turns up the air conditioner.
As Callie and Mama set up silverware and plates for dinner I text Connor.
'We need to see each other soon'
'I know, there's still a month or so of school left,' a reminder clicks in my mind as I type the rest, 'r u still coming back for the rest of the year like u said like a month ago?'
'About that...'
'My mom doesn't want me to live with my dad so she set me up with online school, but just so I can finish this year then I'm going to public school again.'
'So your not coming to this school?'
Disappointment rushes over me.
'No I am.'
A little excitement, I slightly smile.
'Next year?'
'Yeah I'm moving with my mom and little sister tho.'
Little sister?
'I forgot to tell u😁'
'How old is she?' Curiosity comes over me, 'what's her name?'
'She's 3, and her name is Penelope but I call her Penny.'
'Awe does she look like you?'
'She has my hair :)'
'Awe☺️ pic?'
'((((Photo of her at top))))'
'Photogenic much?!'
'Very😂 she loves the attention, my moms co-worker is a photographer'
'And a hair stylist?'
'No that's my mom, she's actually thinking about opening up a salon in Anchor Beach.'
'I would go😂'
'It actually explains a lot...'
'Like what?'
'Like it explains why your hair is always perfect😅'
When dinner begins I say bye to Connor. There's a peaceful, calming atmosphere that comes over the room after everyone sits down. I think I'm the only one that realizes it, but it's still nice.
At school it's a total different atmosphere, stressful, chaotic, and messy. The boys that messed with me a few months ago haven't completely stopped the 'teasing' I learned to ignore but lately it's been harder; since now they lack concern of rather I over hear them or not. Nothing physical, no pushing, shoving, kicking under desks, not even bumping me in the halls. No major verbal bullying either they don't go as far as the classroom walls, in fear, I guess, of Siris over hearing.
Today they get a little out of hand with the name calling, I'm used to the nasty gestures, insults behind my back, talking bad about me in every way. But there's always that one word that people shouldn't say at all yet I hear it come out of people's disgusting mouths all the time. I can't say I never had this word directed towards me before, I have many times. However not like this boy, also sophomore, but somehow found a way to fail algebra again, that's in my class that spats this awful word at me as we exit at the end of the hour. When people used this word against me they would say it to get under my skin, a light tease, nothing more. But when this Jake said it, it was with so much disgust, and hatred it was like he was telling me yeah you know what you are, it for sure got under my skin but not like the teases, he was using it like a weapon. I can't say it didn't hurt like one.
I try to brush it off as I go throughout my day.
At the end of the day as I grab my stuff to walk with Siris to the beach to swim like I promised to last week, my phone vibrates.
I freeze and stop walking.
"What is it?"
I look up and start walking again, "oh uh Twitter."
Siris lightly laughs then starts up a conversation about a tv show he watched last night, I show interest as I look back down at my phone.
How did he get my number?
I re-read the text a few more times.

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