Part 19

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On Monday I once again went to counseling, this time though I opened up a little. I told her about the break up between me and Taylor and what's going on between me and Connor. I don't mention that I dated Connor before and the reason I started dating Taylor in the first place.
After that I head to my class, English. Siris sits in the desk beside me. Taylor is seated in front.
I'm late, like always, so I give my excuse from the counselor to my teacher like I do every Monday and Thursday, and take my seat.
"Hey," Siris whispers.aAa
"Hi," I say backed the best , taking my supplies out.
"I just heard about you and Taylor, you alright?"
I nod.
"Are you dating anyone now?"
I shake my head regretfully.
"Oh well do you want to you know go see a movie?"
"As in a date?"
He nods shyly, blushing a little.
"Um well..."
"You are into guys right? I mean you dated Connor and Taylor so I was just guessing that you swing both ways."
I shrug, "to be honest I don't know what I am."
"But your into guys?" He asks eagerly.
I hesitate, "I mean.... yeah I do."
"Great! So will you?"
"Boys no talking," the teacher warns, of course she has to say that now.
"Sorry," Siris says.
After class Siris awaits outside the classroom for me as I gather my things. I walk out passing Siris without realizing it and heading to my locker.
"Hey," Siris tries to catch my attention. I pretend to not hear.
"Hey," he speaks again, this time grabbing my arm and gently pulling me back.
I turn around, "I'll think about it Siris. I have a lot on my mind, I'll text you at the end of the day."
He has a disappointing look on his face but hurries and replaces it with a smile, "okay, have a good rest of the day."
I smile back, "you too. See you at lunch."
I'm not surprised when Siris texts me right before lunch, only a minute or two.
'R u sure u can't tell me at lunch.'
Without thinking, and just wanting to get him off my back I type back, 'sure'
I should have known that, that 'sure' was going to lead to a series of unwanted events to come.

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