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"What's your name?" He asked me.

"None of your business." I stood there with my hands crossed over my chest. "Now stop wasting my time, I have to make a phone call".

"Give me your name and the phone is yours" He demanded again.

"Fine, Laila." I said it and snatched my phone from his hands successfully this time and started walking away. I can't believe this guy.

"I'll see you soon Laila" He yelled back, mocking me clearly.


Unedited version***

Warning... Might not be ideal for the halal police. Can cause trigger. But feel free to give it a shot if you are a spontaneous reader!

Author Note:

Hey guys thank you for clicking on my story, I am not too good with description cause I am a spontaneous writer and I make changes along the way as I write but the main concepts will stay the same. It is a love story, don't worry lol. Also, English is not my first language so don't be a grammar police okay? -.- and leave your negativity at the door. Thanku.

Do feel free to leave me constructive feedback, either good or bad, just make sure it's not stupid or irrelevant to the story ya know...hmm lets see what else...oh yes I will be using some non-English terms so I will update those words as I go but here are a few:

Ammi- Mother

Salam- Way of greeting

Beta- Beloved child/ son/ also used to addressed daughters

Nikkah- Marriage


Appi- Sister

Side note : Although Laila is from Turkey and currently living in Bradford. You will notice that when she is in conversation with her family and friends she will be using urdu words instead of turkish. Just because she was born in Turkey doesn't mean that she should be speaking the language. Background story...her grandparents immigrated to Turkey from India and that's why she speaks in urdu when she is with her friends and family. Lol I hope that information answers your question if it ever crosses your mind while reading my story.

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