Chapter 3

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Venue of the birthday party at the top!

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The week went by way too quick despite the fact that I had five classes, but I wasn't complaining. I love weekends, I mean who doesn't really. One you get to sleep in for few extra hours, second you don't feel bad for procrastinating because you know Sundays has got your back and third I get to meet Sobia. I had to meet Sobia today 1 pm at her bakery to help her decorate the cupcakes for the big order. I took a quick shower and opened up my closet to make the biggest decision of my life...what should I wear today. I didn't have a lot of clothes, even though a lot of people assume that if you're a girl then you probably have a huge closet full of clothes. This is not true in my case and that's because I buy things that I actually need. So today I decided to wear my favorite pair of boyfriend jeans because they are super comfortable and I hate wearing tight clothes. I paired it with my red and white plaid shirt and finished it off with my bright red hijab that I got on sale. Super.

I went to the kitchen where I found a note from my mother written on the small whiteboard that was hanging by the fridge. It said "Had to leave early today, I took up another shift. Dropped Sabir to football practice, his friend's dad will drop him off. Have fun with Sobia". My mother is so old school in the cutest way possible. I have told her countless time since she has got her own phone that she can just text me if there is anything that she wants to tell me. There have been times where I have forgotten to read the white board to find her secret little messages. The thought of explaining this whole process again to my mother made me chuckle, she will always leave notes at the whiteboard instead of texting me. I took out my phone and replied my mother, Salam Ammi, just got up. Saw your note. I am heading out to Sobia's, I might be a little late so don't worry.

I grabbed my bag and picked up a dairy milk chocolate bar to eat in the way  headed out towards the bus stop. The distance between my house and Sobia's bakery is not too long. I reached the bakery a few minutes early and found Sobia carefully decorating the cupcakes with vanilla frosting. I made my way towards her and placed my hand on her shoulder. "Hand's up" I said in my fake cop voice.

"Shut up, I saw you when you were crossing the street, go and pass me the jar of pink sprinkles." She said.

"Jeez how come I always fail to scare you? I try so hard, you should at least pretend to be scared to make me feel better." I said while grabbing the pink sprinkles.

"It's not my fault that you are terrible at scaring people. Now stop whining and start helping me, we have to leave at 4". She said while passing the pastry bag filled with vanilla frosting.

I opened up my Spotify app and played the indie pop chill out playlist. The rest of the evening passed away in a blink of an eye. Sobia, Mariam auntie and I talked about different things, I loved days like this where I could just hang out with my best friend and her lovely mother and just talk about random stuff. Since they had a big order today, auntie Mariam closed the bakery so she could complete the order without any disturbance. At 3:45 exact, we had 400 cupcakes finished off with beautiful creamy frosting with different fillings and sprinkles and had 3 layered chocolate cake ready with light yellow icing and caramel sauce. To add the final touch, auntie Mariam placed small chocolate roses at the top layer of the cake and wrote Happy Birthday Ruba with dark chocolate sauce. Everything looked so pretty that we had to take a picture of it to upload it on Instagram. You know the drill. So after taking various pictures with different angles and filters, we finally got the one that fit our expectation of a perfect picture of cupcakes for Instagram.

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