Chapter 7

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I woke up and got ready to go to the library. I made no effort in my outfit today, simply grabbed my denim jacket and threw it over my long black jersey dress and paired it with green hijab. I didn't tell Sabir about going to the library because if he finds out that I will be tutoring Farid, he will sure tell Ammi about what happened in the parking lot and she wouldn't let me take this job.

I took my phone my texted Farid before I left home to see if he is in the library.

L: Hello, are you at the library?

F: Here

L: Okay I am on my way

F: K

Ammi and Sabir were both outside so I locked up the house, took the keys and went to library. The buses were on time for once, and as a regular bus commuter I couldn't be happier.

Finding the library in a small town downtown was harder than I expected. I have never been to this side of town before. As soon as I got off the bus, I could spot small shops spread across the busy lanes. Before I went searching for the library, I saw a cute little café and decided to pick up an Americano. It tasted blissful. After asking couple of cool hipster kids who were sitting on the front porch of some raw vegan restaurant, I finally found my way to the library.

The library was huge, it had four massive floors and each floor had insane gothic architecture. Instead of hunting down this idiot, I gave myself a break and sat close to the windows behind the bookshelves to enjoy my delicious cup of coffee. I texted him again to inform him that I was here.

It didn't take him long to find me but he wasn't alone, his sister was with him...what was her name again? Ruba or something? Anyways she instantly recognized me and ran towards me.

'Hello, I know you' She said cheerfully and took a seat right next to me.

'Hi, I know you too' I smiled at her.

Farid took a seat right across from me, his arms were crossed and he learned back as if this is the last place he wants to be at and trust me he wasn't the only one. But if he had so many problems with me, then why did he agree to this when Mr.Charlie asked him about me tutoring him. He should have just said no.

Without wasting anymore time, I opened up my bag and reached for the authorization forms and a pen and pushed it forward to him.

'Here you go' I said calmly.

'Well what is it' He was clearly here to laugh at my misery.

'Well I will be tutoring you for Project Management course and these here are some of the papers that need to be submitted before we start.' I looked at him and saw him smiling. Of course, he knows how it works.

He kept smiling; I hated his perfect dimply smile.

'Why are you smiling like that, sign the papers I have to go somewhere' I said annoyingly.

'Oh so you do have a life outside of college?' He leaned forward and I could smell the strong musky cologne he was wearing.

He was dressed well, as always. Farid was wearing light blue denim and had a gray knitted sweater on. For a guy who was wearing street style clothing, he did clean up quite well.

'Still with me?' He snapped his fingers to get me back to my sense. Was I just admiring him just now? No, I wasn't I was simply just looking at the material of his clothes.

'Yh, there was a bug on your sweater so...' I told him, looking away. Girl get it together.

'Riiighht, okay so let's sign this shall we' He grabbed the pen and read each page carefully before signing it off. While he was doing that, I went back to talking to Ruba. She was a sweet girl, were they real siblings? because something is not right with Farid's DNA. Both of them are so unalike. Where Ruba is cheerful, sweet and warm, Farid is sarcastic, rude and cold.

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