Chapter 22

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'I'll pick you up at 8, we have a party to go to' Farid stepped inside the kitchen half naked, the only thing that was covering his decency was a medium length white towel. 

 'Like what you see' He said again to get my attention that was honestly lost in between his words and his body. He always looked so strong but I would have never thought he had abs and all those muscles. 

'First I have seen better, second please don't walk around half naked like this, especially when I am around, and lastly, I am not going anywhere with you' I took another sip from my cup of tea. 

Farid took a chair right across from me and took my half plate of omelette and started eating my food shamelessly.

'Hey!' I yelled at him but didn't try to away from him. I was full anyways.

'Like I said, be ready'

'Why? I don't want to go' 

'May I ask why?' He insisted.

'Because...I...I just don't'

'You do remember the contract right? We have to make believe that we are actually married' He glanced my way and he did have a point. For the last few days, we have just been sitting at home anyways.

'Ughh fine, what is it for?'

'Celebration of our marriage of course' He winked at me and left the kitchen.

Farid left the house right after the small conversation we had in the kitchen and I was panicking because I didn't know if I was ready to meet so many people. I am sure none of my family members will be there so how will I manage.

I went to the mall to find an outfit but didn't end up finding anything decent. Shopping for dresses was so hard for me, the ones I did like either had a long neckline, sleeveless, short or had a slit. Not my style at all, I wanted to be covered.

He told me to be ready by 8, and it was already 6:30pm. I had an hour and a half. When I got tired of waiting, I decided to call Sobia to see if she knows anyplace that sells modest dresses. It was so last minute. She texted me a place of a local boutique and finally I found a dress that checked all requirements on my list. It was stunning. The dress was long and flowy, the silver purple shades were beautiful and the stonework and lace were just superb. Plus, it was affordable. I should have called Sobia sooner instead of going dress shopping by myself.

I reached home at 7:15, took a quick shower, dried my hair and did a half updo the best I could, put on the dress and light makeup and I was done exactly at 7:55. Yes. I was so proud of myself when I glanced at myself in the mirror. I actually felt beautiful. 

My phone rang and Farids' name flashed on the screen and I answered it.

'You ready?' His voice on the phone was a lot huskier than in person.


'I am waiting outside, come' He disconnected the call.

I grabbed my purse, turned off the lights, locked the door and stepped inside his car.

He caught my attention right off the bat, he looked great. But then again he didn't have to try, he always looked clean and well dressed but today in his gray suit, his olive skin tone, and messy hair made him look like a model who just stepped outside the cover magazine.

He was looking at me too but this time, it was different. His eyes weren't cold instead, he was smiling at me. I didn't know how to react to that so I looked down and cleared my throat to speak.

'We better go'

'Huh?' He kept looking at me. I looked down further to avoid this awkward tension between us, loose strands of hair fell on my face but before I could fix my hair, Farid moved his hand and pushed the hair behind my ear. In shock I looked at him with my eyes wide open and he didn't move his hands away from my face.

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