Chapter 20

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Hey, guys here is the update! Surpise. I had some time and I really wanted to post an update so here it is! Enjoy and also don't forget to like and comment pweaasee!!!



I packed my stuff and listened to Farid this time, it's not like I had any option anyways. Telling Sobia wouldn't help especially when she is busy planning her wedding with Rafay. I wonder what she'll think about me once she finds out. I bet she'll hate me just like everyone else. I got inside Farid's car and he didn't even glance at me once. 

He stopped his car front of a huge house, I wondered if it was his parents.

'Whose place is it?' I managed to ask, wasn't sure he'll answer any of my questions.

'Mine' He kept his answer short and stepped out of the car. I grabbed my bag and followed him inside. The house was beautiful, it was warm and had a character, unlike Farid's personality.

'It was my mothers' He said suddenly.


'The house, she designed it' 

'Oh, it's nice' I smiled but he didn't.

'There is some food in the kitchen if you want something, in meanwhile, I'll get your bedroom set up' 

'Oh okay' I picked up my bag from the ground to take it with me to the kitchen but he stopped me.

'Where are you going?' 

'To the kitchen'

'I'll take your bag upstairs' He took the bag from my hands and went upstairs and I went to the kitchen to find some food.

After finishing a bowl of instant noodles, I walked upstairs to find Farid. I need to talk to him about us. 

I found him in one of the room, it was big but not as big as the other two bedrooms I checked. I think this was mine.

He was looking out the window, there was a small lake nearby and I could see the moonlight dancing on the water. It was so beautiful. He looked so different just then. He looked peaceful.

I knocked on the door and he turned to me instantly.

'Sorry' I mumbled and walked inside the room.

'This is your room' He was being really awkward. He was never this nice.

'Is everything okay?'

'Yeah, why do you ask? It's not me who got kicked out of the house?' He raised his eyebrows at me.

'Thanks for the reminder' I turned to leave but he held my shoulder to stop me.


'Let go now' I tried to pull my hand away but it was no use.

'Don't talk to me like this, I have warned you before too' His voice got louder and his presence grew in the room making me feel small and weak yet again.

I got a hold of myself and turned around. I was too tired to run away from him.

'Or else what? What are you going to do now? Kick me out of this place too? Not give me money? What are you going to do now? I am done being your toy Mr.Ibrahim. Don't even think of a second you are doing any favors on me. You need me as much as I need you, you hear me.' I didn't realize I was shouting at him until I finished talking.

He let go of my hand and I took a step back and sat on the edge of the bed, breathing heavily at this point.

'Try to get some sleep' He walked out and closed the door on his way out. 

I opened my phone and saw there were a lot of texts and calls from Sobia, maybe she did find out about my marriage after all.

I called her back and in one ring she picked up the phone.

'What the hell, where are you? Do you know how scared I was? I went to your house and found out about you and that guy? Are you okay? Are you safe? Did he do anything to you?' She was panicking, she worried for me. 

'I...I am okay' I was crying at this point.

'Laila, where are you ?'

'At Farid's house.' 

'What? No, go back home. I am sure your aunty will understand'

'No, she won't, I tried Sobia. She doesn't want me anymore' 

'Okay then come to me. I will come and pick you up' 

'I will see you tomorrow, I need to just breathe and be alone for a while'

'Okay, just don't block me and remember I am here for you no matter what' Sobia was my truest friend and I was so lucky to have her with me.

I changed into more comfortable clothes and laid down on the bed, I kept turning left and right for hours until my eyes shut themselves and I drifted into a dreamless sleep.

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