Chapter 35

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Farid didn't tell me where he was taking me, all he kept telling me was to wait, so I did. He finally stopped the car in front of a park and walked straight out of the car without saying another word. I followed him and saw him heading towards a fountain. 

'What are we doing here Farid? Lets go back' I pulled out my phone and texted my mother saying that we'll be running late so she doesn't worry.

Farid sat near the fountain and starting running his hands through the cold water.

'Farid' I walked over to him.

'Sit' He finally spoke.

'I think we should head home' I said.

'I have something for you' He pulled out an envelope from his jacket and handed it over to me.

When I looked at the papers I didn't believe it at first.

'Is this...Farid...I don't know what to say' I finally sat beside him, I was taken back with his action.

'Don't say anything' He glanced my way and smiled.

Farid brought the house my family was renting under my name.

'This is too much, I can't' I was about to give the documents back to him when he stopped me.

'Of course you can, Laila I respect your mother just as much as you do, I am not doing this for you...I am doing it because I want to so don't feel like you owe me fact, it's me who owes you' He didn't pull his hands away.

'I don't deserve this' I couldn't help but cry.

'You deserve everything Laila, do you hear me? Don't ever say you don't deserve anything. You deserve to be loved and taken care of. God, I am the one who is selfish here, I am the one who used you and made your life miserable, it's me who is unworthy not you' He pulled my chin up to make me look at him again.

I placed my hand on his cheeks and placed a kiss on his forehead.

'Thank you' I whispered. My mother will finally have a place to live without worrying about paying the rent every month.

'Now we can go' He avoided my eyes and stood up.

'Farid' I called for him.

'It's getting cold' His back was turned to me but I knew he was trying to hide away the tears that I saw building up in his eyes. Who knew a tough bad boy would have a gentle heart after all.

'I love you' I spilled the words without even thinking twice. It was now or never.

Farid spun around immediately and his eyes were as a flame of fire.

I strolled towards him and took his freezing hands in mine.

'Did you hear me Mr. Farid Ibrahim...I am in love with you' A tear fell down from my eyes, I didn't hold it back.

He was stunned.

'Laila....I...' He spun around, avoiding looking at me.

'It's really getting late' He pulled out his phone and moved towards his car.

I ran behind him and stopped him before he could get inside the car .

'Just say it' I yelled at him.

'What are you afraid of huh? Either say you love me or you don't  just stop playing around with maybes'. I uttered. 

'Fine, I don't love you okay? You happy now, lets go' He looked down and slammed both his hands on the roof of the car.

'Very happy' I said sarcastically.

'You know what are just a coward' I spat those words and started walking away from him.

'Where are you going?' He sounded pissed.

'I don't know' I answered truthfully.

'What do you want me to say Laila, you said you love me and I told you I don't. It's done, now stop being such a pain and get in the god damn car' He grabbed my wrist and pushed me inside the car before I could protest.

'I....' I was about to push the door open when he shouted again.

'Not a single word you hear me' He locked the car door and starting driving back home. What a great way to start a new year.

We both were equally quiet when we reached home. Sabir was asleep and my mother was watching television.

'Salam Ammi' I hugged her while Farid just hovered.

I pulled the property papers from my bag and handed it over to Ammi. Ammi was overwhelmed with this news and she didn't hold back the prayers.

'May Allah bless you both' She placed her hands on both of our heads.

Farid took her hand and kissed it. If he wanted me to hate him then he should have stayed cold and ruthless...why did he show me this lovable a side of his?

'I better go, Laila just stay here for couple of days with your family. I am sure you guys have a lot to catch up on' He was clearly looking for ways to stay away from me. Fine then be it.

'Okay, I will be here until college starts. I'll see you in two weeks' I didn't look at him.

'You kids must be crazy, Farid you are not going anywhere. You are staying for the weekend okay. You can go back and pick your clothes from home but you have to stay here' She offered. 

'No, Ammi he have to go somewhere so he can't stay' I jumped in, I knew if he stays then we'll be sharing a room and that was too much to handle. I wasn't ready to be that stressed out yet.

'Yeah, she is right. I have a lot of things to do before college starts, maybe later' He excused.

'I wasn't asking for your permission. I am the old one here and when I said you'll be staying then you will be staying okay? Now go home, get your stuff and come back here' My mother didn't wait for our reply and walked straight out of the living room.

'This is all your fault' He blamed me.

'Ummm excuse me, are you deaf? I clearly told her you can't stay. It's not my fault that you suck at making good excuses.'I left him downstairs to fight off the frustration and jogged up to my room to clean it up before Farid gets back. I managed to pull out a thick comforter from my closet and set it up as a second bed so Farid could sleep there, there was no way we were sleeping on the same bed.


Thank you so much for your support, honestly I am so overwhelmed...thank you !

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