Chapter 4

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So far this is my favorite chapter. I can't wait to write more upcoming chapters.

Please don't forget to vote, share, comment and be awesome. I am really putting my heart and soul into this story and feel passionate about writing heartfelt stories. So please stay on this ride, its gonna be an epic one I promise. 

Also, here is Farid!

Enjoy the chapter, super love!


p.s. main lead at the top! ;)


I had no idea what just happened, why does it feel so weird when he is around. It gets so weird when he is around and it almost feels like my brain is in a war zone of some sort. I looked around to see if he is anywhere near, but thank god he wasn't. I quickly walked towards our little cupcake set up and sat next to Sobia.

"What happened to you? I thought you passed out or something." Sobia said while browsing over Instagram on her phone.

"Nothing happened, I just got lost" I said.

"Why are you so red?" She said looking at my face. I instantly felt conscious because now auntie Mariam was looking at me as well.

"Yh I was walking very fast so probably that's why." I rubbed my cheeks to remove the color from my face. Why was I feeling so embarrassed?

"Here have some water beta". Auntie Mariam grabbed a bottle of water from the water stand next to her and passed me the bottle.

"Thank you" I smiled.

The rest of the evening seemed okay. I got busy with serving the cupcakes at the party and whenever our stall wasn't busy, Sobia and I just walked out the playground and talked about stuff. Since both of us didn't have any sisters, we shared everything with each other. I remember the first time we met 4 years back in our local library where we both were looking for the same book and spend the rest of the afternoon talking about our love for English literature and Adele. Since then we have been unrepeatable, she also doesn't have a lot of friends, and I think that's because she is way too honest and doesn't live to please other. Just like me. Ever since my dad left us, I have stopped caring about others. I do have my doubts and fears, who doesn't? But I still fight. I choose to move forward, not just for myself but for my family.

It was almost 7 pm now, and the big birthday cake cutting celebration was about to happen soon. The thought of it again made me anxious. Nonetheless, I went ahead and started decorating the table with little fairy lights since it was getting dark and gift packs that were made for the guests. The clock hit 7 and peopled started coming towards our table. Everything looked beautiful, almost unreal. I could see the bright stars in the clear sky and feel the sweet September breeze across my face. The colorful fairy lights sparkled throughout the stage where the cake was put on display. Sobia, auntie Mariam and I stood in the corner of the stage to dodge the photographer who was taking pictures of all the guests. After the pictures were taken, we came up to the stage again to light the candles that were spread beautifully all across the birthday cake. When I finished lighting the last candle and looked up, I saw him looking at me right across the lawn. The Ibrahims were making their way toward the stage. Auntie Mariam and Sobia noticed them as well and quickly got off the stage . I was about to get off as well, but auntie Mariam suddenly stopped me.

"No no you stay here, we are going to get more plates and napkins from the stall. Just stay here and make sure everything is okay." Before I could say anything, both of them disappeared out of my sight. I felt super awkward and didn't know what to do, so I gravitated towards the very far corner of the stage and waited silently for Sobia and auntie Mariam to come back. When the Ibrahims got to the stage after meeting hundreds of their guests, they finally got to the cake and when I saw a little pretty girl dressed in a beautiful lilac dress, I instantly knew it was Ruba. Her eyes lightened up when she saw the cake and ran moved towards the cake as if it's the best thing that has ever happened to her. It was too cute. Behind Ruba was her mother I am assuming. She was tall and skinny, with beautiful black straight hair. She looked like in her late 30's. With pouty red lips and crisp cheekbones, she was giving a competition to the young girls who were here in this party. She looked poised, but whenever I saw her smiling, it didn't reach her eyes. It looked fake and she seemed uninterested in keeping up with the conversation with the guests over a minute. Right behind them I saw Ibrahim Raza who still seemed humble enough to stay back and talk to the guests that his wife walked away from. With him was the same guy I met earlier today near the washroom, the same guy who took my phone in the college. I didn't know his name, not that I was interested in finding out anyway.

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