Chapter 28

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I was about to close my door when Farid placed his hands in between and stepped inside my room. 

'Farid I said I don't want to talk to you' I grabbed his arm to drag him out of my room but he snatched his arms from my grip and smacked the door shut.

'But I want to talk to you damn it' He yelled at me.

'That's what I don't get...why do you even care about all this in the first place?Who am I to you huh?' I yelled back and walked towards the window to get some air. The space between us was becoming too claustrophobic. 

He didn't say anything for a while but I knew he was still in my room.

Then he started walking towards me. I could feel his breath on my neck. I tried to walk away from him but he gently placed his hands my shoulders and made me face him again.

'You are jealous aren't you?' I said to him.

'What? Why would I be jealous huh? For what?' He looked startled. 

'You are jealous of Salman' I glared at him, wanting him to admit it.

'What the fuck did you say? Look I am just doing that soI can get my part of the will without any more problem okay and besides we are only husband and wife for the get it!' Farid grabbed my arms roughly. 

'For the world huh as if none of this matters to you right?' I said sarcastically, challenging him back.

'You are right, it does matter to me. I want my money that's why I married a girl like you' He let go of my arms but didn't move out of my sight.

'Yes I am sorry you had to marry a girl like me Farid, I am sorry I am not rich and bold like the other girls you hang out with, I am sorry I don't have a car and expensive clothes like one of your rich girlfriends...those are the type of girls you like right? The ones who laugh at everything you say and looks for ways to touch you without any reason?' I fired back at him.

'Are you jealous of those girls?' He folded his hands over his chest and took a step back.

We kept looking at each other and I realized I didn't have the answer to his question. Was I really jealous? I looked away from him and walked past him towards the door but he stopped me.

'You didn't answer my question.' He teased.

'Why would I be jealous? This marriage doesn't mean anything to you in the first place'

'And for you?' 

'Farid please go away' I looked at him helplessly.

He listened to me this time and started walking out. I was about to close the door shut when he stopped me again.

'So it's settled then, this marriage doesn't mean anything to us right?'

Instead of arguing with him, I grabbed my towel from the cupboard and walked inside the washroom. When I walked back out, Farid was gone. I laid down on my bed and kept thinking about Farid, he was right...I was jealous but I would never admit that because he didn't admit that he was jealous of Salman too.

Why is he so like that? Why is it so hard for him to accept his feelings? Does he really regret marrying me? With all these questions floating in my head, I fell asleep  at last.

When I woke up the next day, there was so sign of Farid in the house. I didn't have any plans for today so I sat peacefully in the sun room with my tablet and decided to select my courses for my winter semester and pay my tuition fee so I can focus on other things. After selecting my courses, I texted my schedule to Rafay to find out that we had 3/5 classes together which made me really happy.

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