Chapter 39

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Each day since became less and less quiet. Farid and I continued on avoiding each other, not because we hated each other but because none of us had anything to say to another. I was trying to untie myself from him and I was hoping Farid was doing the same from his end. Just like that, in a blink of an eye, four months of our marriage, or I should say fake marriage came to an end. Tomorrow was the last day, Mr.Brown called me earlier today to remind me about the meeting, and after seeing Farid's harsh behavior towards his staff in the morning, I was sure he must have received a call from the lawyer as well. 

'What are you doing?' Mr. Abdul asked me while I was preparing lunch in the kitchen.

'Experimenting with food, trying to make ravioli' I laughed.

'Farid sir likes Italian food' He informed me. I knew he liked it that's why I wanted to make it. 

'Hmm, can you pass me some garlic' I changed the submit.

'Abdul where is my shirt...' Farid walked into the kitchen half-naked. He was only wearing his dark denim jeans and had a towel wrapped around his neck.

As soon as his eyes shifted towards me, I turned back to the stove.

'Laila has been doing laundry for the last few days,but I will check...' Mr.Abdul was panicking because of Farid, he was making everyone's lives miserable because of me.

'It's okay Abdul sir, you stay here. Just crush the garlic and stir the tomato sauce, I will find his shirt' I interrupted  and walked past Farid to go into his room and later he followed.

'What shirt are you looking for?' I opened up his closet door to start looking.

'Olive green shirt' He commanded and walked closer to me.

I found his shirt which was laying at the top of the drawer and passed it to him.

'Not this one, there is another one with black strips' He pushed the shirt back.

I found that after searching for it for extra few minutes and placed it on his bed.

'The button is broken' He called from behind.

'Then wear another shirt' I snapped at him. Hating myself from feeling so helpless when he was close.

'Just sew the button Laila' He shouted and walked ahead of me to shut the door so I couldn't leave his room.

'I won't and stop ordering me around. Your attitude might scare your staff but it's not going to work on me. You want to shout more then go ahead, you want to break things then go ahead and do it, it's not going to make any difference' I pushed passed him and stepped out of his room breathing hard.

Once the ravioli was done, I served the food and told Mr.Abdul to take the plate into Farid's room.

'He will love it' Mr. Abdul took the plate from my hand and smiled.

'Just don't tell him I made it' I told him and he gave me a confused look.

'Or else he is not going to eat it' I smiled at him and Mr.Abdul nodded apologetically and carried the food into Farid's room.

After finishing my food in the living room, I went to my room and started packing my bag. There was a sudden calmness in my heart, it felt as if I had gone through a thunderstorm and now everything was quiet. A year ago, I was sitting with my brother and mother talking about my new college and now I was in an entirely new place. Ammi was right all along, she used to tell me that everything is already planned for us, and no matter what, your  life will shift according to your fate and the only thing you can do in order to survive is simply accept the change. That's what I did four months ago when I signed a deal with Farid Ibrahim and now it was coming to an end. 

It didn't matter if I leave today or tomorrow, I knew I had to leave regardless, it's not like Farid was going to ask me to stay, so I decided to move out today. By the time I finished packing it was already 6:35pm in the evening, Mr.Abdul left and so did the rest of the staff members who never bothered to have a conversation with me that lasted more than five seconds. I knew I'll miss Mr.Abdul the most after Farid once I leave this place.

When I brought my last bag into the living room, I saw Farid standing in the middle of the room staring at my stuff.

'Here you go, I have reset it to default.' I handed him the tablet that he got me when I moved in here. 

He was biting his lips and his eyes looked like it was about to pop out of his head. Why was he causing himself so much pain? It was so simple, what was he so scared of?

Farid finally moved his hands forward and took the tablet from my hand. 

We stood there looking at each other for a while. I couldn't believe it. I promised myself I would fall for him and I failed myself over and over again. Why did Allah do this to me? I believed in karma since I was a little girl, I knew in my heart that if I lead a good life and don't hurt people then I will get rewarded and life will treat me well and people wouldn't hurt me back. Then why was this happening to me? Why was my heart hurting so much? 

'I better go' I said in a shaky voice without even realizing.

'I'll drop you' He picked up my bags.

'No, I will go by myself' I tried to snatch my bags away from him but he didn't let me take them back.

'I said I'll drop you, stop acting like a brat' He sounded annoyed.

'Farid, you have taken good care of me and my family for the last four months and I am very thankful to you..' I started speaking because I knew this might be the last time I'll be able to talk to him, like before, because after this very moment...things were about to change.

'Don't' He dropped the bags and stepped forward.

'...And I am very glad that I met you, Farid, you changed me. You did. You made me feel alive and I never wanted to admit that you but it's true. I lived eighteen years of my life wishing for a quiet and peaceful life...girls my age wishes for excitement and challenges but I knew I couldn't afford to wish for such things' I was crying at this point but I didn't care.

'Laila' Farid held my shoulder to keep me steady and when I saw him, not only I saw my reflection in his eyes but also tears...they were for me.

'Then I met you and all of my unasked wishes came true, you gave me excitement and challenges and you shook up my entire world... Farid, I am not saying these things to make you feel bad or guilty...although I wanted to hurt you and I wanted to make you feel miserable but I couldn't. When I told you I love you, I meant it and I still do and just because you don't feel the same doesn't mean I hate you and wishes for bad things to happen to you. I am just saying this so you can move on with your life and not feel obligated to look after me. Don't be so hard on yourself and be nice to people, I know there you have a kind heart, don't be afraid to show it. You won't get hurt' I placed my hand on his cheek and went on my tiptoes to kiss his forehead. We held on to each other for as long as we could and then it was time for me to leave.

'Bye Farid' I didn't look behind as I picked up my bags again and left his house. 



I got so emotional while writing this chapter for some reason. haha I didn't know this book will become such an important part of my life when I first started writing it. Anyways guys, please don't forget to share, vote and comment on this story. Your support is always needed and appreciated. 


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