Chapter 29

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To avoid his indirect comments any further, I took Hira with me to the kitchen so we can make some coffee.

'I have never seen him like this before' She commented while I started brewing a fresh pot of coffee.

'Who?' I asked.


'What do you mean?'

'He has changed a lot, you know he has never invited us over to his place ever. This is the first time he has done that and he always used to smoke a lot but now look at him'

'Well it's good then right?' I didn't know what she meant.

'Yeah, I am happy he found you' 

After preparing the coffee, we walked outside and I grabbed some comforters because it was getting chilly outside.

I passed down the coffee to his friends and lastly walked over to Farid to hand him his cup.

When he reached for the cup, our hands touched and I tried removing my hands but his grip got stronger. I glared at him.

'Where is your cup?' Farid asked me.

'I like tea better' He let go of my hand and I walked back to my seat which was across from him.

'I think we should play truth or dare' Jose suggested.

Everyone agreed, except me.

'Oh common don't be a spoilsport' Riyaz teased me.

'Okay fine' I gave in knowing that they aren't going to back down.

When the bottle landed on me, Hira dared me to sing.

'No I can't... honestly' I tried to excuse myself.

'Then you shouldn't have picked dare' Farid snapped.

'Well everyone else was picking boring truths so I...'

'Then you have to sing' He responded.

'Ughh fine but I am going to hum tunes okay?' 

I started humming the song that my mother used to sing around the house and since I was embarrassed I closed my eyes.

When I finished the song, everyone clapped and I blushed.

'That was really good' Riyaz complimented me.

'Thank you' I didn't look at Farid but I knew he was looking at me.

Then Sobia was asked to dance for 1 minute without any music and Jose was dared to kiss Riyaz, the game was going well until the bottle landed on Farid and Jose had to challenge him to do something.

'Truth or dare?' He asked Farid.

'Dare' He said straight away.

'I'll do you a favor, how about seven minutes in heaven with Laila' He winked at Farid and Hira chuckled.

'What is that?' I asked and everyone looked at me as if I am crazy.

'You don't know what it is?' Riyaz laughed at me. I shook my head.

'It's where two people go inside a closet or other dark space and do whatever they like for seven minutes' Hira giggled and I gasped.

'No I don't like this, it's his dare why do I need to get involved' I demanded.

'You don't get to say anything' Farid got up from his seat, grabbed my hand and took me inside the kitchen closet.

'This is crazy, let go of my hand' I protested but it was no use.

Farid pulled me inside the closet and closed the light. The sudden darkness made me scared and I grabbed a hold of his shirt.

'Are you scared?' His voice sounded ten huskier than usual. 

I shook my head. 

'Stop avoiding me Laila' He was closer than I expected.

'How many minutes more do we have to stay here?' I asked him.

'Six ' I could sense the smile in his response. 

'I am sorry' He finally said.

'It doesn't mean anything Farid, you have no idea how much your words hurt' I felt a lump in my throat.

'This is new for me Laila, I have lived on my own for a long time...I...I know I am a mess but I need you...' He brought his hands to my face and pushed away the tears.

And without any warning, he crashed his lips into mine. The kiss was gentle this time, not rough like the last time he kissed me.

He grabbed my waist and pulled me towards him so I was standing on his feet. He deepened the kiss and I pulled his hair because the connection between us was undefinable at this point.

When I finally broke the kiss and looked at his face and his pink swollen lips, I felt the urged to grab him yet again and even the thought of it made me blush.

'It's not enough' Farid whispered. 

'What?' I glanced up at his face again.

'I want more ...way more' He licked his lips and stared at me.

'I think the time is up' I look away feeling nervous.

Farid smiled and let go of waist. I fixed my shirt and hair and jogged outside of the closet. 

'What is it about closets' Farid teased me as he followed me outside.

'Look who is back' Jose cracked a laugh and Farid playfully hit his head. I sat down with Hira.

'You are literally glowing' She informed me and I looked at her with a surprise. 


'Your cheeks are all red' She responded and I touched my heated cheeks and looked at Farid who winked at me.

I looked down immediately. Today was going to be a long day...or night. 


Sorry I couldn't upload this quicker, my internet connection is getting super weird these days so please excuse the delay. 

Don't forget to vote and comment guys! it means the world to me...xoxo

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