Chapter 30

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Shout out to all the amazing supporters. I hope everyone is doing well! <3 

Jummah Mubarak!


The rest of the evening was a blur. Farid's friends weren't what I expected. They were all very nice. Hira, Jose and Riyaz didn't make me feel like an outside and I felt accepted.

'It was nice meeting your Laila, see you later' Riyaz was the last one to leave.

'It was great meeting you too, take care' I closed the door and saw Farid cleaning up the tables outside, I went outside to help him.

'It's okay I'll take of this, you should go rest...its late' He responded without looking at me.

'No it okay, I'll do it' I was about to pick up the glasses when he stopped me.

'Laila, you are not a maid here okay, you don't have to do these things.'

'I do it because I liking doing it Farid' I removed his hand and helped him clean the place. I noticed that Farid didn't make much of a conversation, he was rather quiet.

'Are you okay?' I asked him, breaking my level of patience.

'Yeah' He responded and walked inside the living room and I followed him.

'Sabir is returning from the tournament tomorrow so I was thinking if we can go ...' 

'I won't be able to, there is some stuff that I need to take care off. You don't have to come back here' Farid dropped the garbage bags in the bin and went inside his room.

What the hell did just happen? Just hours ago Farid told me he can't breathe without me and now he is acting as if I am nothing to him. At first, I thought about leaving him as is but I decided to wait for him and talk to him tonight. This confusion ends tonight.

After waiting for him I finally went his room and knocked on his door. He didn't answer but the door was open so I walked inside.

Farid was sitting on his bed with his eyes closed and headphones were plugged into his ears.

I walked over to him and placed my hands on his shoulders. He opened his eyes immediately. 

He waited for me to speak.

'Do you really want me go and never come back?' I asked him straight up.

He didn't respond straight away, he got up from the bed and stood few steps away from me.

'Farid, I need to know.' I demanded

'Yes' Farid answered my question in his cold voice.

'Then why did you kiss me huh why did you get me that ring?' I yelled at him, why was he making this complicated?

He laughed and turned his back on me.

'Farid, please' My voice was breaking. This can't be happening.

'Laila, I brought the ring cause like I told you earlier every bride needs her diamond and I kissed you because I felt like it and you can't accuse me of that because I didn't see your complain about it ever, in fact, if I am not mistaken, you rather enjoyed it' Farid walked at me and took my chin in his hands

'You are disgusting' I snatched his hands away from my face and smacked the door shut as I left. Before waiting for the next day to leave, I gathered my bags, called the taxi and went off to my family. My real family. I didn't have more strength left in me to be with a person who is incapable of loving someone. I tried everything I possibly could to make things right but every step I took forward, Farid took a step back.

My mother didn't ask me anything when I entered home. We chatted about general things and both of us avoided talking about Farid. 

'I am off to bed' I told her as I went to my good old bedroom.

'Laila whatever it is, just know that I am with you' She kissed my cheek and even though I tried to sleep, I couldn't. I thought coming back to my own house would feel good but it felt foreign, I kept turning left and right but I couldn't sleep. So I opened my laptop and checked to see if I got any emails, there were a few junk emails but one in particular caught my eye. It was from Mr. Brown aka Farid's lawyer. I took a deep breath and opened up the marked email.

Good Evening Laila, 

I am CC the copy of this email to Mr. Farid Ibrahim as well. Just wanted to inform both of you that the will of Mr. Javid Raza father of  Mr. Ibrahim Raza has been processed and by the end of two weeks, the assigned assets will be transferred to Mr. Farid Ibrahim. Also want to add that by the end of January (five weeks from now), the contact between Mr.Farid Ibrahim and Ms.Laila Barakat will finish and the processing time of that will take 2-3 weeks depending on the scheduled dates. The meeting time will be sent out soon. 

If you have any concerns regarding this matter please let me know.


Mr. Brown

Barrister and Solicitor

This email worked like a wake-up call, it woke me up from a daydream. None of this was real. Farid wasn't real, he was a temporary guest in my life. Everything I was starting to believe was about to finish in few weeks and that was my reality. I took off the ring that Farid gave me and put it away, I didn't want to be a symbol of his belonging. I knew my life without Farid will be hard and I'll miss him each and everyday for god knows how longs but I also know that one day I am going to wake up and not feel anything. I will become selfish for my own happiness again.


I know this is not what most of you expected by trust me this needed to happen. Stay tuned and don't forget to leave comments and vote! xoxo

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