Chapter 26

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Happy Friday Lovelies....thank you so much for the liking my story. I appreciate you all! xoxo


Was I happy with Farid?

I kept thinking about this question. Was I? I definitely didn't hate him so now what? Are we friends now? 

'Hey, cloud nine' Rafay waved his hand in front of me.

'Ahh...sorry' I looked down nervously while everyone in our small group chuckled.

Farid was standing across from us talking to a guy. 

'He is probably thinking about her husband' One of Sobia's friend said.

'No, it's not like that' I laughed and when I glanced over at Farid, our eyes connected. It was such a pull, it's like we were magnets today. 

'Guys common lets give her a break, Laila I want you to introduce you to my cousin lets go...excuse us' I followed Rafay outside and I saw a guy sitting in the corner all by himself.

'Salman I want you to meet Laila' When Rafay spoke to him, he shook his head and he kept looking down, avoiding our eyes. I looked at Rafay.

'I should go' I whispered to Rafay.

'No...he is a bit shy that's all' Rafay went down on his knees to get on an eye-level with his cousin. I didn't notice at first but then I observed how he kept shaking his head and mixed up words when he spoke in his low voice, maybe he had confidence issues or something.

I also went on my knees beside Rafay and extended my hand out to him. 

'Hello Salman, I am Laila' I said politely. 

 He hesitated at first but then he extended his hands but shook his hands.

'Say hello to Laila buddy' Rafay insisted.

'Sa...Sala..likum...' He greeted me.

'Salam, its nice to meet you'

'He'll be staying with us for a while, I am busy with the wedding preparations, I was hoping if you could show him around Bradford?' 

'I'd like that, do you want me to show you around?' I asked Salman.

He finally looked up and smiled.

'Great' Rafay and I said at the same time.

'You want to come back inside now?' Rafay asked his cousin.

'No, I like it here. It's peaceful' He mumbled.

'Alright, we are going back inside okay'

I waved at him and we walked back inside the hall.

'Thank you for your help, I knew I could count on you' 

'No problem Rafay, he looks a lot like you' 

'Yes he is my fathers' brother's son, even though he is the same age as us...he just takes a little longer than usual is to understand things but other than that he is very smart.'

'He is wonderful, thank you for introducing him to me' I assured him.

'He is here for couple of weeks before he goes back to New Jersey, if you can show him around the city next week or so then it'll be perfect.'

'No worries'

'Here you guys are, common we need to take more pictures' Sobia pulled our hands and walked us over to a huge gang of people. Rafay hired a professional photographer so we started  making goofy faces at the camera.

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